Chapter 5 - Drained

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"The command block... it all makes sense now." Petra breathed, staring at the glowing object in front of her.

Petra hesitantly reached out her hands, feeling drawn to the pulsing machine. She jolted slightly as she lay her palms on the block's surface, a sharp memory of pain pulsing through Petra's system, the memory so real she nearly recoiled away from the block.

Pressure building inside her skull to a point where it felt like her brain was about to burst, her muscles contracting in agonising spasms.

Rascal whined, seeing the pain edged on his owner's face, despite the fact that none of it was real. He pawed at her leg, causing Petra's eyes to shoot open again. Pulled back to the present, everything Petra felt immediately reverted back to what it actually was; just memories.


Petra didn't even blink at hearing Lukas's voice call her name, just staring down at the glowing block in front of her.

"Petra, we need to get out of here!" Lukas called, all of a sudden breaking through the wall of light and into view, one hand raised to shield his eyes. "More mobs keep spawning, its-"

His voice abruptly cut off when he saw the command block. His blue eyes widened, mouth slowly falling open.

"I was right." Petra said softly, her voice almost in a trance.

"Wait... you- you were expecting this?" Lukas gasped, still not looking like he could take in what he was seeing.

He carefully reached out a hand as well, but pulled it back with a shudder when he felt the block pulsing. Petra's eyes closed again, her hands remaining on the machine.

"Petra?" Lukas asked her, earning no response.

Rascal whined loudly, pulling his ears back all the way as he pawed on Petra's boot. When he didn't get a response either, Rascal suddenly grabbed the fabric of Petra's pants leg in his mouth, tugging at it.

Petra's eyes flew open, taking a step back and removing her hands from the block. She let out a slight gasp, blinking a few times.

"What just happened, are you okay?" Lukas asked her, worry swirling in his eyes.

"We need to get out of here." Petra said matter-of-factly, unsheathing Miss Butter. The sword quivered slightly in her trembling hands.

"Not arguing." Lukas agreed. "But once we get out there, you have some explaining to do."


Mobs were beginning to file into the room as well, growling and hissing. Rascal circled Petra protectively, his lips curled back to reveal his sharp fangs as he snarled at the monsters.

Their target being the exit, Petra and Lukas fought their way through the horde. Aiming their blades at the creatures' heads, cutting down anything in their path. Rascal was in the lead, seemingly trying to keep anything from reaching Petra. Dark blood from the many monsters stained his grey coat, a hostile glow in his eyes.

"Here!" Petra called as she reached the exit into the hallway.

Immediately she bolted down the hallway, hearing Lukas's boots thud along behind her. Rascal's ears were pulled back flat as she sprinted beside them.

Adrenaline pulsing through their veins, Petra and Lukas barely flinched as they ran out into the drizzling rain. Simply throwing themselves onto the waiting horses, immediately fleeing into the trees with Rascal right on their heals.

A zombie stood in the entrance of the dungeon, growling in frustration as it watched it's prize slip out of reach. It aggressively swiped its claws at the outdoor air.

The Night of the Mobs (MCSM Fanfiction - Sequel to The Secrets Beneath the Lies)Where stories live. Discover now