Chapter 20 - Eternal Darkness

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"It's so hard to trek through here in the dark." Jesse muttered.

"Could you stop complaining already?" Petra hissed at Jesse. "This was you're idea."

"I know, but I can still complain if I want to!" Jesse argued back. "My boots are already full of water from wading through the creek, I've brushed against at least four different types of leaves that made me itch, and I just stepped on something that made the most unsettling squelching noise-"

"Jesse!" Petra turned around, propping her hands on her hips and glaring. "One more word and I swear I'll bite you. You're driving me insane."

"What, you'd rather listen to an awkward silence?"

"I'd rather listen to anything than your complaining."

Jesse sighed, promptly shutting up as the two of them continued to weave their way through the dense bushes. She wasn't sure for how long they've been trekking through the jungle, but it's been way too long. Jesse had a feeling both of them had to be pretty worn through at that point, because they've been endlessly getting on each other's nerves.

"It's not far any more." Jesse said, stopping and looking down at Maya's tracker in her hand. "And it seems Aiden is conveniently right where we need him."

When she didn't get a response, Jesse raised her head and glanced over in Petra's direction. The redhead had also stopped, staring up at the sky through a gap in the leaves. Rainwater glinted on her face in the moonlight.

"Stargazing?" Jesse asked sceptically.

"What time is it?" Petra asked, completely ignoring Jesse.

"Uh..." Jesse fumbled for her watch, trying to get a good look at it in the dark. The moment she saw the time, she knew exactly why Petra had asked. "Nearly 6 am..."

"Come look." Petra said, gesturing for Jesse to get closer.

Walking over, Jesse stopped beside Petra and looked up as well. She had to blink a few times to get the water out of her eyes, but as her vision cleared she saw the same thing Petra did. An awfully familiar sight, the moon trapped in one location in the night sky.

"Now that's unsettling." Jesse breathed. "Do you think Aiden is behind this?"

"I can't think of anybody else. It's not like Romeo's around anymore." Petra responded. "What I don't get is why?"

She sudden threw her hands into the air, nearly slapping Jesse with one. "Why any of this!?"

"I wish I had an answer." Jesse mumbled with a sigh.

"So Aiden wanted the command block-" Petra began to list things off on her fingers as they continued walking. "-He kept Rascal alive for who knows what reasons, he reversed my wolf senses, awoken whatever cat senses you missed out on having and now he's stuck the moon's cycle to create another eternal night. Can we have a second to take in how none of these actions have anything to do with each other!?"

"Maybe he just lost it!" Jesse said in exasperation. "Maybe he doesn't even have a freaking clue what he's doing."

Petra snorted and began opening her mouth to respond. She never got the chance however, when an arrow suddenly flew right at her from the shadows, embedding itself into the steel of her armour.

"Seems like we have some mobs who want to play." Jesse said, unsheathing her sword.

"Great, as if I hadn't had enough of those already." Petra growled, tugging the arrow out of her chestplate and raising her own golden sword.

The Night of the Mobs (MCSM Fanfiction - Sequel to The Secrets Beneath the Lies)Where stories live. Discover now