Chapter 8 - Lurking Danger

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Daybreak had come, but the entire jungle was still bathed in a semi darkness. Thunder continued to roar as the rain showed no sign of coming to an end.

Jesse was lying in her bed, her head resting on the pillow as she stared out of the window at the falling rain. Her eyes followed the small streams down the glass panes, silently tracing the droplets. Lluna was lying across the entire foot of the bed, sleeping soundly.

Everything had been a jumble for Jesse ever since the battle. Her memory of getting injured was vague, and everything after that was merely a dark blur.

She had come to at the crack of dawn that morning, her entire body drenched in a cold sweat, mind foggy and head pounding. Her friends had been with her, explaining what had happened. Or attempting to explain what happened, considering most of what was said went in one ear and out the other for Jesse.

All she wanted to know was whether they were all still okay. Upon getting confirmation that none of her friends were severely injured, Jesse had relaxed enough to slip back into a restless sleep.

It's been a few hours. While she still felt like somebody coming off of a cold, the worst had passed and Jesse could think properly again.

Jesse sighed, burying her face into her pillow. Despite still feeling incredibly tired, sleep was the last thing she wanted to do at that moment.

She wondered where her friends were, whether they were asleep like she suspected, or casually going about their daily routine.

It's worthwhile to check. Jesse decided, finally sitting up in bed. Lluna snorted as Jesse got up, lifting her head slightly. Then she just yawned and lay back down. Jesse stroked Lluna's coat as she walked by, heading for her bedroom door.

The tree-house was quiet, but Jesse could hear some noise coming from the living room. Stifling a yawn, she walked down the hallway in that direction. Sure enough, Lukas was there, in the process of fitting a new oak door into place. Right, that was a detail Jesse forgot about.

Having noticed her movement from the corner of his eye, Lukas lifted his head. Jesse had to refrain from flinching, only then seeing all the bruises and cuts that littered his skin.

"Jesse!" Lukas's face lit up when he saw her.

Abandoning his work, he came over to her and gave her a tight, yet gentle, hug.

"It's good to see you up on your feet." Lukas said, as he pulled away from her. His face grew serious. "You weren't looking very well a while back. Feeling better?"

"Much better." Jesse responded, smiling. "Where is everybody else?" She asked as Lukas went back to the door.

"Most of us have been sleeping, like you." Lukas explained as he continued working on the door. "I decided to haul myself out of bed twenty minutes ago, because I wasn't sure how well a few wood planks could keep out any unwanted visitors.

Olivia is upstairs at her workstation. She was devastated about how easily the leather part of your armour tore, so she's been fixing it and reinforcing the weak spot."

Jesse felt a bit guilty, knowing how easy it was for Olivia to tear herself up over something small. She made a mental note to go talk to Olivia later.

"Axel probably still would have been snoring away, if his desire for breakfast didn't overcome him." Lukas went on, chuckling slightly. "Anyway, he went down to feed the horses a few minutes ago and check that everything is still fine down in the barn.

Petra's the only one who's still in bed. The fighting was a little hard on that shoulder of hers, whether she likes it or not, she'll have to take it easy for a few days."

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