Chapter 3 - Looking Back

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Jesse's eyes slowly opened to find herself looking up at her bedroom ceiling. The room was almost completely dark, the only moonlight that usually found its way through the canopy of jungle leaves, blocked out by forming clouds.

Blinking slowly, Jesse pushed herself up on one elbow. She was still dressed in the T-shirt and overalls she had been wearing, not having intended to fall asleep that afternoon.

A small smile formed on Jesse's face, seeing the large, bulky figure beside her that was taking up most of the space on her bed. Lluna usually preferred to sleep outside in the barn with the horses, only occasionally coming inside and spending a night on Jesse's carpet beside her bed.

But this time, having sensed that something was wrong with Jesse, the protective llama had promptly decided to keep a close eye on her.

Jesse stroked Lluna's fluffy white coat, leaning down and planting a quick kiss on the sleeping animal's muzzle, before getting up from the bed so she could change into proper sleepwear for what was left of the night.

Something on her bedside table catching her eye, Jesse reached over to pick up the small note. She held it close to the window, using the moonlight to make out the words, seemingly written in Olivia's handwriting.

There's pizza in the fridge in case you're hungry. Hope you feel better.

Jesse smiled slightly to herself, placing the note back down on the bedside table and immediately making a beeline for the door. Having slept through dinner, she was indeed hungry. The again, even if she wasn't, she could always make room for a slice of Olivia's home-made pizza.

Jesse leaned with her back against the wall in the kitchen, taking a bite of pizza. As she ate, her thoughts began to drift back to that afternoon. The whole memory was kind of fuzzy to start with.

Jesse frowned slightly. She was feeling completely fine at that moment, like whatever it was never even happened. Now that she came to think of it, she had almost completely recovered on the way back home, if still feeling a little hazy.

What the hell had happened to her?

Jesse lifted her head, hearing a scratching noise, like nails on wood. She didn't have to puzzle over the sound for long, as Rascal all of a sudden came trotting into the kitchen, his tail wagging excitedly in the dark.

"Ah, you smelled the pizza, didn't you, boy?" Jesse said with a chuckle.

As if to prove her point, Rascal sniffed the air again and excitedly spun around on the ground. Chuckling, Jesse took a piece of chicken off the pizza, feeding it to Rascal.

Forgetting her earlier thoughts for a bit, Jesse spent the next few minutes eating and sharing her food with Rascal, cuddling the wolf in between. Rascal just eagerly lapped up all the attention.

Another sound met Jesse' ears, causing her head to snap up right as a dark figure appeared out of the shadows with a sword raised.

"Careful where you point that thing, Petra!"Jesse gasped, taking a step back.

"The hell, Jesse?" Petra hissed, lowering Miss Butter. "It's the middle of the night! I wake up to hearing sounds in the kitchen and Rascal's missing from my room – how did you expect me to react?"

"Maybe consider that you live with four other people who can get up in the middle of the night for more than one reason." Jesse responded, keeping her voice down as well.

Petra just grunted, and Jesse could almost sense her rolling her eyes in the dark.

"Glad to see you awake, though. You've been out like a light the entire afternoon."

The Night of the Mobs (MCSM Fanfiction - Sequel to The Secrets Beneath the Lies)Where stories live. Discover now