Chapter 18 - Unanswered Questions

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Petra panted breathlessly as she ran, pumping every last shred of energy she had left into her throbbing legs. She didn't dare glance back, focused on the overgrown road in front of her. She hadn't stopped running since she left the Blaze Rods' bunker, sprinting as fast as she possibly could. Scrapes lined her limbs from all the shrubs she had barreled through, blood trickling across her arm from one of the cuts.

At one point Jesse's weak grip had loosened, finally losing the fight and falling in unconsciousness. Petra had no point but to carry Jesse in her arms from that point on, unable to keep her friend stable on her back. Her grip on Jesse was tight and protective, trying her hardest to remain at full speed while not bouncing and shaking her friend too violently.

Almost there. Petra felt her heart skip a beat as she began to recognise the trees around her. It wasn't very far to the where the others would have left her and Jesse's horses.

Ignoring the throbs in her muscles from strain, Petra forced herself to move faster.

But as Petra rounded a corner, she was met with a sight she didn't expect. Instead of the two remaining horses tied up alone, all five horses were waiting for them... including the other three members of the Order. Lukas was the only one standing up, Axel and Olivia each sitting on the grass. Bruises and cuts decorated the exposed parts of their skin, and Olivia was hugging one of her arms to her chest.

"Guys?!" Petra gasped in surprise when she skidded to a stop, only just managing to keep fatigued body up on her feet.

"Petra!" The others gasped in unison, heads snapping in her direction. Immediately several sentences and questions flew out at Petra, too many for her to distinguish one.

"Wait, hold up!" Petra called out, raising her voice above the others. "One at a damn time!"

She subconsciously tightened her grip on the limp form of Jesse in her arms – who the others seemingly hadn't even noticed at first.

"Jesse! Is she okay?" Olivia asked fearfully, struggling to her feet while still clutching one arm.

"Aiden's sword nicked her." Petra explained as Lukas came over, helping her lay Jesse down on the ground. "She'll be fine, we just need to get her home."

"What happened back there?" Lukas asked Petra worriedly. "You're bleeding, Petra, let me see."

"I just got caught on a branch, I'm fine." Petra deadpanned, pulling her arm away before Lukas could examine the open cut. "Why are you guys still out here? Where's the command block?"

The others exchanged glances, to which Axel and Olivia's shoulders immediately, heavily sagged.

"The Blaze Rods cut us off before we could get back here." Olivia explained softly. "They overpowered us, took back the command block."

"Olivia signaled me over the radio, but by the time I got to them it was too late." Lukas went on.

"Damnit." Petra growled, clenching her fists. "You guys didn't get too hurt?"

"I won't know until I get back, but I have a pretty bad feeling my left arm is broken." Olivia said, glancing down at her arm.

"How did you and Jesse even get caught?" Axel suddenly blurted out at Petra. "We left you the tracker, you should have seen them coming."

"Yeah, well the bunker is like a maze." Petra responded aggressively. "I'd like to see you navigate that thing without getting spotted."

Axel opened his mouth to say something again, but was shushed by Olivia putting her good hand on his arm and shaking her head at him.

The Night of the Mobs (MCSM Fanfiction - Sequel to The Secrets Beneath the Lies)Where stories live. Discover now