Chapter 11 - Fleeing

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Jesse stood her ground, even though half of her felt like swinging around and bolting away. The other part felt like charging forward with her blade raised. She just about saw some of her friends move out of the corner of her eye, Petra raising Miss Butter, while Lukas took a step back. Like her, Axel and Olivia were frozen to the spot.

"What?" The person asked, holding their arms out. "Not happy to see me? The feeling's mutual."

Jesse clenched her jaw, feeling old hatred start to bubble within her as she glared across at probably her oldest and most hated enemy.

"Aiden." She said through gritted teeth. "The hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Jesse." He responded bitterly. Great, the way he said her name was still able to send a chill down her spine, no matter the years its been.

Leaves crunched as two more figures stepped into view from the other directions. The three blaze rods seemed to have finally given up on the leather jacket theme, Aiden being the only one who still wore one. Gill merely had a batter old t-shirt on, while Maya had a quite luxurious looking fur coat on. How she wasn't melting from the heat, Jesse didn't know.

"Okay, can somebody give me a ticket to sky city so I can snap their necks for letting you imbeciles go?" Petra sneered.

"I'm afraid there's no necks left for you snap." Aiden said, beginning to smirk. "Then again, if you look hard enough, you might find one that's still intact, somewhere beneath the ashes."

Jesse felt a rock of dread sink into her stomach at Aiden's words. Her grip on the sword increased, anger flaring up within her.

"You sick, twisted man." Olivia hissed through gritted teeth. "And you came back here to do what, huh? Kill us?"

"What we're here to do is none of your business." Maya said to Olivia, beginning to grin as well. "In fact, you all weren't even part of the plan."

"But some revenge would really sweeten things up." Gill added, grinning maniacally.

"Get lost." Aiden sneered at them. "Run back to wherever you came from, and stay out of our way."

"We know you're the ones who took the command block." Jesse said, holding up the tracking the device. "Hand it back over, you have no idea what type of power you're dealing with."

"That's my tracker!" Maya gasped, all of a sudden glaring over at Gill. "You idiot! Out of all the things you could have forgotten to pick up!"

"I repeat, get lost, Jesse." Aiden said through gritted teeth. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."

He grasped the helm of the sword in his sheath, pulling it out. Immediately Jesse could tell that the command block was used to make the blade. It was a weapon like she's never seen before, almost looking like it was cut from glass, the blade made out of clear diamond.

Maya slipped a curved golden sword from her belt, the weapon glowing with unnatural enchantments. Gill fumbled slightly, turning around on the spot as he struggled to get his sword out of the sheath on his back. Finally succeeding and pulling out a glimmering emerald blade. Axel's jaw dropped at the sight of it.

Jesse simple raised her own sword, continuing to glare at Aiden. He probably didn't realise that the sword she held was just as dangerous as his, if not more. After all, Nether Star was even stronger than diamond. And Aiden didn't even have any armour on.

"So we're playing it this way, huh?" Aiden asked, starting to smirk. "I'll gladly cut through you."

For a second it was deathly silent between the two groups. Thunder roared softly in the distance, the trees' branches swaying in a forming breeze.

The Night of the Mobs (MCSM Fanfiction - Sequel to The Secrets Beneath the Lies)Where stories live. Discover now