Chapter 22 - A Battle's End

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Back at the tree-house, it was chaos. It was hard to tell who was saying what, Lukas, Olivia and Axel practically yelling at each other. Their faces were laced with not only fear for their missing friends, but terror for the fact that the moon was high in the sky at nearly 8:00 am.

"They had to be stupid enough to go back for that damn mutt!" Olivia exclaimed, slamming her fist on the dining table's wooden surface.

"You already have one broken arm, don't break the other wrist as well." Lukas said from his position as the table, not bothering to lift his head out of his hands to look at Olivia.

"After what happened last time, I doubt they would." Axel said, crossing his big arms over his chest. "Especially after all the hell you gave Petra for it."

"Don't look at me, I wasn't even there." Olivia muttered.

"Yeah, okay, I was being a prick back then!" Lukas said, throwing his arms out to the side in exasperation. "Could you stop reminding me?!"

"What if they did go out to try and get Rascal?" Olivia asked, looking between the two guys. "Forget their motives for doing so, what if they're out there right now, in danger? Aiden would kill them if he found them in his bunker again."

"What are you suggesting, that we go after them?" Lukas asked Olivia, combing his fingers through his blonde hair stressfully. "We don't know where to even look. And you can't fight with one arm."

"I swear if Aiden hurt them-" Axel began, his face reddening in rage as he curled his hands into fists. "I'll crush Aiden's skull!"

"Easy there buddy, we're not resorting to murder here." Lukas said with a sigh. He clenched his jaw. "But you're right, he better not have done anything to them."

"This is such a mess!" Olivia slumped down in a chair, letting her head drop down onto the table.

A sudden bang at the door made their heads shoot up, gazes snapping in the direction of the door. There was a desperate hammering, sounding like the person outside was physically banging their fists against the door.

Lukas was the first to push his chair back and get up. Axel and Olivia slowly got to their feet as well, watching as Lukas strode over to the front door. He hesitated a second, before sliding open the lock and pulling the door open.

For a second it was silent, everybody's faces laced with shock and their eyes wide at the sight of the person in the doorway. There stood Radar, thoroughly smeared in mud and rotten flesh. Fresh blood seeped from cuts in his skin, staining the ragged clothing he wore. In his one hand he clutched a horrifyingly familiar golden sword, holding a tracker in the other hand.

"Radar!" Olivia was the first to come to her senses, running up to the door and stopping beside Lukas. "Oh my god where did you even come from? And look at you! Come in, come in!"

She quickly took Radar with her one hand, practically pulling him inside. Radar's mouth was open, but he was seemingly at a complete loss for words. Snapping himself back to reality, Lukas took the sword from Radar's hands. As Olivia continued leading him away, Lukas held up the weapon to inspect it. It was glowing with enchantments, the finely carved golden helm curling around a ruby gem.

"Where did you get this?" Lukas asked, looking over to where Olivia had promptly pushed Radar down on a chair and wrapped him in the first blanket she could fine. "I'd recognise this weapon anywhere, Petra never let's it out of her sight."

Radar nodded quickly, before seeming to finally find his voice again.

"I f-found her in the j-jungle!" He said quickly. "A-Aiden had me c-captive, but I m-managed to get loose. I was r-running when I found h-her-"

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