Chapter 13 - Revenge?

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Ya'll might wanna reread the last chapter again to get back into the flow of things- sorry for the long break, explanation in the A/N at the end of the chapter!


- Back on the day of the fight -

"It worked." Maya said in disbelief as the three members of the Order disappeared into the trees, running away. "They're actually running."

"I knew they were cowards all along." Aiden growled beneath his breath.

He began walking up to the dead wolf body on the ground, looking down at the animal. His plan had been to break Jesse, starting with taking out one of her friends. While it didn't quite succeed, seeing the strong warrior crumble in front of his eyes had been satisfying enough – he could go for Jesse another day.

Reaching down, Aiden grabbed a hold of the arrow lodged in the wolf's chest, pulling it out. Droplets of blood dripped onto the wolf's silvery grey coat, staining his fur.
While Aiden wouldn't like to admit it, he was rather impressed by the animal who had come out of literally nowhere and threw itself in front of Petra at the last second.

"What do we do now that the Order knows we're here?" Gill asked as he and Maya came walking up behind Aiden.

"They weren't really part of the plan." Maya added.

"Oh, I was planning on making them a part of it." Aiden said as he turned away from the wolf, beginning to walk into the trees. "I just had to find them first."

Maya and Gill exchanged glances, before beginning to jog after him.

"I didn't realise you still wanted to get your revenge?" Maya said as she and Gill caught up.

"Oh, I've always wanted to get my revenge." Aiden said as he stopped, opening a hatch in the ground that lead down to an underground base. "I just wanted to find the right way to do it. The way that would... hurt the most."

"I don't get it-" Gill began, earning an elbow to the ribs from Maya.

"The Command Block." Aidan said as they climbed down the ladder, into the base. "If used right, it can inflict all kinds of pain."

"But if you want to wield its power in that kind of way, it would take years to practise!" Maya said, following Aiden deeper into the underground structure.

"Not if somebody else already lay the tracks for me." Aiden said with a sly smirk, unlocking and opening a door to reveal the command block. "If the information I've been able to uncover is correct, then Jesse's friend has already been under the influence of the command block's power. That's a stepping stone for me."

Maya and Gill exchanged glances, shrugging at each other.

"There is one thing I need, however." Aiden said, stroking his hand across the command block. He looked back, facing Maya. "The command block has the ability to alter life, yes?"

"You put it very loosely." Maya responded. "The Command Block has the ability to bring a person or animal back, provided it's used within the next moments after death." She gestured with her hands as she explained. "I believe the correct term for it is respawning. There are worlds that uses this ability to trap people as slaves for eternity, I believe. I once read-"

"I'm not interested in hearing the history of it, Maya." Aiden grumbled. "I want to be able to use it."

"On who?" Maya and Gill asked in confusion, exchanging glances.

"I need bait." Aiden said, resting one hand on the command block. "Leverage."

"We already have that, don't we?" Gill asked in confusion.

The Night of the Mobs (MCSM Fanfiction - Sequel to The Secrets Beneath the Lies)Where stories live. Discover now