Chapter 7 - Battle in the Storm

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Sticky dark blood spurted out from where Jesse impaled her sword, covering the slick white surface of her armour. She ripped out the blade, the zombie falling into a limp heap at her feet.

Jesse's brown eyes darted around anxiously, scanning the mob-invested surroundings. She could see Olivia not too far away, nocking an arrow into her bow. Lukas was in sight as well, he had just killed something with his dagger, a spider it seemed.

Jesse ripped her attention back to her on actions, launching forward at the approaching creeper as it started to blink. It let out a pained hiss as her sword's white blade broke through the other side of it's head, disappearing in a puff of smoke. Particles of gunpowder floating to the ground.
She wiped  her sweaty face with the back of her hand, at the same time smearing herself with dirt. Jesse wasn't sure how long it's been. They've definitely thinned out the mobs, that was for sure.

Now that they had a strategy, killing them wasn't as hard as before. It was no walk to the park, but so far, she's been okay.

Jesse could only hope the same went for her friends. There was no time to check up on the them, and they were all widely spread out. She hadn't seen Axel or Petra for a concerning amount of time... Lukas and Olivia were still on their feet, if moving a little stiff by then.

Jesse rolled to the side to avoid a skeleton's arrow, leaping back up to her feet within seconds. She lurched forward, hurtling her sword at the skeleton's skull, hearing the satisfying sound of bone cracking. Raising her hand, seconds later feeling her sword's weight reappear in it.

Despite her spirit being a lot more reckless, Jesse had played things safe. She's been all around the base of their tree, with no injuries other than a few scratches and bruises. Still moving strong.

A cave spider hissed, raising the back of it's body into the air as it prepared to pounce on Jesse. It leaped up, grasping at her weapon with it's venomous fangs.

Jesse hurtled her sword to the side, smashing the spider against the side of the tree. Despite it's bulky body looking like a deflated balloon after Jesse's hit, it still scrambled onto its eight legs. It didn't have the chance to make any more moves, dying with a moan as it was impaled by the Nether Star blade.

Jesse leaned down, rested with her hands on her knees, gasping slightly. Sweat trailed down her face along with the rainwater. Hell, and she thought she was in shape!

That one moment to catch her breath, was all it took.

Something shoved hard into Jesse's back, knocking her down onto the grass. Her sword flying out of her hand, the bony claws of a zombie wrapping around her wrist before she could summon her weapon back.

Petra leapt forward, impaling her sword into what felt like the millionth zombie's head. Ripping the golden blade out, and raising it to attack whatever came next, running off to her next target before the first one had even drawn its last breath.

Rascal was right at Petra's side, every minute darting off to tear apart something that was heading in their direction. He was starting to pant heavily, but still didn't leave Petra's side once.

With a loud battle cry, Petra impaled her sword into an approaching creeper, gunpowder sinking through the air. Petra gritted her teeth slightly, reaching up with one hand to clutch her injured shoulder.

Rascal whimpered slightly, sensing that his owner was in pain. Then his lips curled back in a snarl, protectively circling Petra.

Petra grunted, ignoring the aching throb in her shoulder and raising Miss Butter again. She glanced around, her blue eyes quickly scanning the surroundings, seeing Axel just in time to witness his axe chopping a baby zombie in half. The others weren't in sight, as Petra and Axel had taken the outer rims of the area.

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