Stay safe

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After three hours of scrubbing the floor, we manage to get all the paint off the floor and wash the towels so that they are clean of any colour. I turn to Poe and kiss his cheek "You need a shower." he nods and I leave shutting the door I hear the water turn on and sit on my bed leaning against the wall. I close my eyes and begin to meditate connecting to the force when I open my eyes standing in front of stands Master Yoda, Master Obi-wan and my grandfather Anakin. I smile and bow my head in respect "I am sorry." Master Obi-wan tilts his head "Whatever for Y/N." I smile "I broke the code." Anakin nods "Yes however so did your Father, myself and Obi-wan." I gasp "Really?" Master Yoda chuckles "Fall in love they all did. Against the code did they all go." I smile "It runs in the family apparently." Anakin smiles "We are all proud of you. However, we come with a task." I nod and Obi-wan says "I lost Anakin to the dark side but Luke helped him if only in his dying moments, we need you to help Ben solo."

I smile "He can be saved?" they all nod and Anakin steps forward "You must tell him that Darth Vader is not someone to look up to. It was the worst mistake of my life and I do not wish for him to go down the same path." I nod "I will try I promise." Yoda smiles "Do or do not there is no try." I smile "You gave the same advice to my Father." he nods and I smile and look up when I hear the water switch off "I will talk to you again soon I hope." Anakin smiles "We will keep watch over you." I nod and they disappear. 

Poe appears free of paint and sits next to me "What do you want to do for the rest of the afternoon?" I smile "Did you finish planning your mission?" he nods and I check the time "Let's head to the mess hall." he nods and we stand. In the mess hall, we grab some food then go and sit with Ava and Heather. They smile and both smirk at Poe "Nice to see you got cleaned up." he nods and they both smile "So were you headed tomorrow Y/N." I smile "I am afraid I can not tell you." she nods and says "Well may the force be with you and stay safe." I nod and we fist bump over the table "What about you Poe?" he grins and whispers "I'm off on a lead about the legendary Luke Skywalker!" I roll my eyes and he nudges me "Although the one next to me is pretty legendary." I blush a deep red and look down at my food. Heather leans her head on Ava's shoulder "You two are adorable." 

I sigh and lean against Poe, Ava gasps "What no comeback? Poe what did you do to her?" he shrugs and wraps an arm around my shoulders "I don't know." I smile "He did nothing." Ava laughs "Shes in loove." I blush again and Heather kisses Ava's cheek "You made her blush." I finish my food and stand up "Well I'm heading to bed." they both nod "Good luck tomorrow may you both return home safely." I smile and Poe stands as well walking with me out of the crowded mess hall. He rubs his thumb over the back of my hand and I open my door walking over to the wardrobe and pulling out a long t-shirt and shorts "I'm going to bed." I walk into the bathroom and change and brush my teeth before packing my wash bag.

Walking out I find Poe laying down on the bed with his jacket slung over my desk chair. "I place my clothes down and place my wash bag in my bag "Dameron bed." I point to the door and he grins rolling over "I am in bed." I sigh and sit next to him he pouts "Can I stay, I don't know when I will see you again." I smile and kiss him lightly "Fine." he grins and kicks his shoes off I lay next to him and he pulls a blanket over the both of us "Y/N promise me something while you are away?" I nod and roll over facing him "Stay safe and come home." I nod "Same goes for you flyboy." he nods "Night Pixie." I grin "Night Poe." 

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