Through the Tears

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A/N: Here it is, the first chapter!
Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art
Warning: Burning Maze spoiler, if you haven't read, skip to the next chapter

     Reyna's POV:
Stiffly, I walked towards the funeral site, knowing that as praetor, I had to get this over with. But how could I? Jason was my best friend for as long as I could remember, noble yet sweet, always putting others before him. And now he was gone. On a quest for Apollo, whom I suddenly resented. But that was in the past, nothing could change that now. Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the short podium set for the speech. Frank looked at me and gently patted me on the shoulder, tears already streaming shamelessly down his face.

"Citizens of New Rome, today we are gathered here to honour not only a former praetor, but a very dear friend of ours." I began. At this, several people nodded, Jason had always helped anyone he could without a second thought.

" Jason Joshua Grace, Champion of Juno, Hero of Olympus........" Frank continued.

After this point, I couldn't remember anything, it was just a blur. The whole world just seemed to be crashing onto my shoulders, leaving me feeling numb and empty inside. To escape it all, I saw a lone figure standing a little off to the side, her face covered with a silvery parka hood. I caught a slight glimpse of her face, and saw what usually were startling blue eyes, but now bloodshot. My heart stopped in my throat, it was Thalia Grace, lieutenant of Artemis. She looked beautiful as ever, even with tears streaming down her face. I realized someone must've told her for her to even know.

After what felt like forever, Frank finally finished, and beckoned to Piper to say something, who had also made it. She went onto the stage, choked out "All my fault." and ran away. She was pursued by Annabeth, when I realized that the seven had come.

After this, it was finally all over, and I quickly ran out into the gardens, my favourite place. It was usually deserted, so no one ever bothered me. Today though, I saw my favourite bench in front of the water fountain occupied by none other than Thalia Grace. She looked so upset that I didn't have the heart to tell her that this was my spot, and also, she was kind of cute. No! Where were these thoughts coming from? I should be grieving over my best friend, not thinking about how hot his sister was!!!

She finally noticed me, and furiously tried wiping the tears from her eyes with her jacket sleeve, but gave up after realizing it was basically impossible. Huffing, she patted the spot next to her, and I sat down.

"Hey." she sniffled "Sorry about this. I'm Thalia Grace by the way."

"I know." I replied "I'm Reyna."

" Thought I might tell you anyways. You might not remember after saving the whole world and all, ya know?"

I could see she was trying to be sarcastic and funny to try to hide the pain she must be going through.



"It's ok, you can cry in front me. Let your walls down for a moment."

"Thank you." she replied, and put her head on my lap, tears already starting to spill through.

I didn't try to stop mine either, and just let them pour through. After about half an hour, Thalia fell asleep on my lap, with me threading my hand through her spiky hair, loving the blue strip in it. I looked down at the angel sleeping and managed a watery smile. She was so cute. Maybe one day, when we'd both stopped grieving, (and if she actually liked girls, an annoying voice in my head said) we could try to make our relationship more than just friends. Who knew, maybe one day, I could be lucky enough to call her my girlfriend. Until then, we'd just support each other.

A/N: I know I started off on a sour note, but I had to show how they met again! Don't worry though, after this chapter, it's just fluff! Btw, I have no idea how a Roman funeral is done. Don't forget to tell me how you liked it! I'll try to update as soon as possible!

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