The Disastrous Date

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A/N: Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art
Warning: Swearing used

   Reyna's POV:
I was chilling on the couch, flicking through the channels on my TV, when my phone's reminders started ringing. Lazily, I reached over and read the reminder. Shit! I had forgotten! Today at 6 o'clock, Thalia was supposed to pick me up for our first date, and it was already 5:30! Not bothering to turn the TV off, I raced upstairs and threw open my closet, hoping I could find something good to wear in time.

Thalia and I had decided that since both of us hated dresses, we would come in decent looking shirts and jeans. Unfortunately for me, I had been busy this week, meaning I still had to do the laundry. Cursing myself and my bad luck, I finally decided on a green blouse with dark blue jeans. Next came my hair. I did this elaborate hairstyle where I had different braids interlocking with each other to form one braid at the end, which I threw onto my shoulder. To finish my look off, I wore lipgloss and medium sized gold hoops. Turning in the mirror, I decided it was good enough, considering I only had 30 minutes to get dressed. Not too soon either. Seconds later, the bell rang, signalling my date was here. Taking a deep breath, I hurried downstairs and opened the door, and found Thalia standing in the silhouette of my door, clad in something other than her usual black.

Thalia's POV:
I was in my beat up truck that I refused to sell for a "better one" because of all the adventures I'd been on it and plus because I looked totally badass driving in it and blaring Green Day. I was driving to Reyna's house to pick her up for our first date, when I got a call from the restaurant I'd reserved for us. "I'm sorry," said the snotty lady on the other end, not sounding sorry at all "but we had to cancel your reservation since someone just requested the whole restaurant for a birthday." I smacked my head on the steering wheel in frustration, now what was I supposed to do? This was our first date, and I couldn't ruin it because of an idiotic person who thought booking a whole restaurant was the best way to celebrate the fact that they were getting old!

Sighing, I decided to focus on getting to Reyna's house in one piece, after all, I am known for being a bit of a reckless driver. What can I say though? There's just something about the pleasure of speeding down the road while managing to not turn myself into a pancake that I enjoy. 20 minutes later, I arrived in front of Reyna's house, double checking the address to make sure I'd got it right. I walked up to the front and hesitated. Did I look good enough? I had worn clothes other than black, though my washed out blue jeans did have a few holes here and there. On the top, I wore a thin off the shoulders, striped sweater. Gathering my courage, I quickly rang the doorbell and it opened to reveal my hopefully future girlfriend.

Reyna stood in the open door, beaming at me. I smiled back, noticing how pretty she looked.

"Hey." she greeted

"Hi." I said back. My truck's out front, are you ready to go?

"Yep," she said.

Together, we piled into the vehicle, me not being sure whether or not I should hold the door open to what led to the inside of a rusty truck, doing it, finding Reyna liked it, smiling that we were off to a good start, and finally set off.

Line Break

While on the way, I decided I should probably tell her now before she got mad.

"Uh Reyna, I know I said I booked us a reservation, but they just called me and said they canceled it."

"Oh really, that's fine. In fact, I actually know a pretty good restaurant just a few kilometres from here."


Reyna proceeded telling me where to turn, while we talked at the same time, discussing small things like our hobbies and such to learn more about each other. 15 minutes later, I parked in front of a small, yet cozy looking restaurant.

"Wow, this is way better than the other restaurant I booked for us!" I said happily, and Reyna looked glad at this.

"Let's go in."

Reyna's POV:
We went in and sat at a small booth near the window.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go to the bathroom." I told Thalia.

"It's 'kay, I'll just look at the menu in the mean time." she replied.

I located the bathroom and and came back out pretty quickly, considering I spent 2 minutes double checking how I looked.

When I got back, I was met with a sickening sight. Thalia was being hit on by a blonde waiter, and didn't look one bit interested, making me sigh in relief. She looked ready to punch him in his abnormally large nose, and I wouldn't stop her. In fact, I was suddenly fuming out of nowhere. I marched over and grabbed ahold of his collar, making him go cross eyed.

"Excuse me Roger," I said, reading his name tag. "But that's my girlfriend you're hitting on."

"Oh really?" he asked, sneering. "But I think she can do better than some gay-"

That was about as far as he got, since Thalia and I both moved forward at the same time and punched him in the nose, causing a waterfall of blood to start pouring out.

Before anything else could happened, I grabbed Thalia's hand and ran out the store to her parked Honda. We stayed quiet for a moment, when I looked at our intertwined hands and flushed. Thalia noticed this too and asked

"Did you really mean what you said?"


"That I was your girlfriend."

"If you want that."

"Hmmm, it wasn't exactly proper."

I smirked and went down on one knee.

"Thalia Grace, will thou enlighten my bosom and cause it to soar above the peaks of Olympus by confirming that we are lovers?" I asked, using the little bit of Shakespearien I learned from my English class.

Snorting with laughter, she replied


She laced her fingers with mine, and we talked through the night, munching on some granola bars Thalia had with her, not caring we were sitting in a truck parked in front of the restaurant we'd just punched someone in.

A/N: Finally, I finished this chapter! Ugh, I seriously dislike people like Roger. Please don't forget to comment any suggestions you had or how you liked it, they mean the world to me.

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