Airport Exhaustion

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A/N: Sorry this took so long!
Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art
Warning: Swearing used

Thalia's POV:
I drummed my fingers across the marble tabletop, wondering if the stupid conveyer belt could go any slower. Finally, all my belongings came to the end I was standing at. I was about to leave when the security lady monitoring me this whole time stopped me.

"Uh, Miss, I'm sorry but you have to go through another security check in." she said nervously, eyeing my choice of punk clothing.

I couldn't believe she was discriminating against me for how I dressed, one of my neighbours I saw had already been cleared an hour ago, and she was behind me! Besides, if I had been some sort of serial killer, my supposed to be knives hidden in my jacket sleeve would've already been found. Rolling my eyes, I followed her again to another set of security sensors.

Another hour later, I finally escaped security and made my way over to the waiting area, to find that the plane was going to lift off in 10 minutes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I muttered every time I lost control of my two suitcases, which was every 5 seconds. But considering I was running at top speed when I just wanted to flop on the floor, I was doing pretty well. Finally, I made it to the end to see a flight attendant about to close the doors.

"Wait!" I cried, nearly twisting my ankle over one of my suitcases.

She reopened the doors to admit me through, failing to contain the smile at my expense. Scowling, I rushed onto the plane and collapsed into the seat with the number that looked most like mine. I barely caught sight of a women sitting next to me before sleep and exhaustion took over.

   Reyna's POV:
I was flipping through the magazines provided by the airlines, not really paying attention. Instead
I was thinking about what to expect at the conference I had to attend. When the director of our company, Jason, had personally asked me to attend, I didn't know what to expect. Most said he was extremely strict, with those glasses he wore and his hair cropped military style. I was broken out of my thoughts by a dark shape hurtling themselves into the seat next to me.

Taking a closer look I noticed that it was a woman around my age, and my did she looked tired. She had fallen asleep the moment her body had touched the fraying seat, and didn't look like she was waking up anytime soon. She wore all black that contrasted highly with her pale skin, just like her short, spiky, raven black hair did. On further inspection, I noticed she had a blue streak in it, that I instantly loved. Not knowing where the sudden kindness came from, I picked up a blanket and draped it over her, making sure she was comfortable.

I heard a slight cough come from my right, and I whirled around, forgetting I was in public. I looked up to see a hyperactive Latino boy fiddling with what looked like a remote control car.

"You like her, don't you?" he asked

"I don't even know her!" I protested

"Reyna?" a voice asked.

I looked towards where the voice came from and was overjoyed, it was my friend Gwen from when we used to go to college together!

"Hey Gwen!" I said

"It is you! I heard your voice and thought it was pretty familiar!" she exclaimed.

We spent the next 30 minutes or so catching up when Gwen bought up a dreaded topic.

"So what's this I heard about Reyna having a crush?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"That hyperactive kid told you?" I groaned

"If you mean Leo, yes. We actually work together at Walmart, so we know each other."

I closed my eyes, making a mental note to ask Santa to throttle Leo for next Christmas.

"What are we talking about?" a sleepy voice asked.

I looked towards the woman who was sleeping in the seat next to me, and gasped. She had the most beautiful pair of startling blue eyes I'd ever seen.
She was wide awake now, and looking curiously between me and Gwen.

"I'm Reyna." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh, I'm Thalia, who's your friend?"


Gwen then left us, but not before winking at me so terribly and conspicuously that even my clueless friend, Percy, would know what was going on. And it took 5 years for him and his girlfriend to get together!

"So, why are you going to California?" I asked Thalia, and that's how the conversations began.

  Thalia's POV:

"Just going to visit family. You?" I asked

" I'm going to meet the director of our company, and I'm actually pretty nervous, most people say he's really strict." Reyna said

Something clicked in my mind at this, but I had to make sure first before I looked like a complete idiot.

"Wait, what company?" I asked curious

"Jupiter Training Quarters, most people don't know-"

"That's my brother's company, he's the director!" I exclaimed.

"Jason's your brother?????" Reyna yelled.

About half of the plane looked over at us and Reyna blushed.

"Mind your own business!" I said, and they scrambled to look away. Satisfied, I turned my attention back to Reyna.

" You were scared of my baby brother this whole time?!?" I burst out laughing.

"Jason is all noble and thinking about others before himself. He's practically the softest person I've met, it's just the clothes he wears. Besides, he ate a stapler when he was two."

"Really?" Reyna asked. I then proceeded to tell her the whole tale, not leaving anything out. I was marvelling at how much we looked like old friends when a flight attendant came to us with our food.

I picked up a piece of chicken and gulped it down, then drained my cup of orange juice. I saw Reyna laughing at me and wiped my sticky, saucy fingers across her cheek.

"Oh I'm sor-" I was cut off by Reyna's lips on mine.

I eagerly responded back to the kiss, and her fingers wound through my hair. It was simply bliss.

   Reyna's POV:

I was still thinking over the highly entertaining tale I had been told of my director when the flight attendant came with our food. I was about to eat my salad when I saw Thalia scarfing down chicken wings. She saw me staring at her and suddenly wiped her chicken-sauce-covered across my face. She looked so happy, I couldn't help it. I kissed her.

I was about to pull away, thinking I'd made a big mistake, when she responded back. Heaving a huge mental sigh, I wound my hands through her incredibly soft hair. I was broken out of my heaven by a voice squealing.

I looked over, annoyed, and saw Gwen giving me sheepish look. Beside her, I saw Leo jumping in his seat, not caring we were thousands of feet in the air, and could be hit by turbulence at any time.

I gave them both "the finger" and turned back to Thalia.

"Was that okay?" I asked

"If it wasn't okay, I would've already ripped your intestines out by now."

I laughed at her answer, and threw a piece of grapefruit at her, which she expertly caught in her mouth. We spent the rest of the plane ride goofing around and earning dirty looks from some of the seniors, but I didn't care. I didn't even think once about my conference later on today, but how could I? Jason just didn't seem scary any more. It was by far the most entertaining plane ride I'd ever been on because of Thalia. I was so lucky to have met her.

A/N: I really don't know how the airport works but if you notice anything wrong, please remember to tell me in the comments.

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