Wedding Bells

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A/N: I couldn't find any good pictures of Thalia in a dress.
Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fabulous art

Thalia's POV:
I bobbed my knee up and down nervously while sitting at the monstrous white dressing table. I was having my hair and makeup done by half the Aphrodite cabin, while the other half was trying to add the final touches to the white, silky dress and smoothing out nonexistent wrinkles. In case you couldn't tell, I was going to get married today. And I was a nervous wreck.

I had already expressed my concerns to my friends, but they had told me that they weren't going to allow me to ruin the most important day of my life just because I was a little worried. Easy for Annabeth to say, she was already married and had 5-year old twins.

I decided to tell them once more.

"Are you sure she even wants to get married to me?" I asked.

Annabeth sighed and said "For Zeus' sake, yes! She's the one who got onto one knee and asked you to stay by her side forever, isn't she!?"

"I know, I know. It's just, am I good enough for her? I've let people down my whole life and I don't wann-".

Annabeth firmly cut me off there and her tone turned to a gentle, soothing one.

"Thalia, you've never let anyone down in your whole life and I know you won't start now. You'd do anything for Reyna, and she'd do the same. Now stop talking before your makeup gets ruined.

"Alright, alright, jeez."

Lacy then announced that my makeup was done and it was time for me to get into my dress. Now, normally, I hated anything that went past my knees and was white, but I was getting married here, so I had to make exceptions.

I stepped into the dressing room and came out 5 minutes later, with everyone "oohing" and "ahhing". I had to admit, it was pretty. It was a lace off the shoulders dress with a V-neck. Surprisingly, it wasn't itchy or suffocating at all, even though it went all the way down to the floor. It was beautiful.

I gathered a bouquet in my hands and took a deep breath. I could do this. People got married everyday. It was only the day where you got bound to someone for the rest of your life. Not that big of a deal. I silently counted to 3 in my head, and stepped onto the aisle.

I was greeted with Reyna standing at the end, looking relieved to see that I had finally entered. Oops. Maybe I had spent way too long procrastinating.

She was wearing a long, white gown with gold trimming near the top and on the arms. There was a gold belt at her waist, to add a touch of uniqueness. Lastly, her hair was twisted into her trademark braid. She was wearing minimal makeup, just lipstick and eyeliner. Reyna looked like the queen she was.

Reyna's POV:
I stood nervously at the altar, waiting for Thalia to arrive. We hadn't known who should walk down the aisle at first, so we had a rock-paper-scissors contest, where the loser would walk down the aisle. I know, kind of dumb, but we were high on nerves with all the wedding preparations going on at the time. Thalia had lost, so I was stuck waiting at the altar.

I kind of regretted that decision now. With every second Thalia had me waiting, I grew more and more anxious. Why was she taking so long? Was she second-guessing her decision of marrying me? She couldn't be, could she? We had spent months together trying to finalize every single detail for this special day. She couldn't have just woke up today and been like "You know what, nah. I don't really think Reyna's my type. We should just cancel the whole wedding."

Finally, after half an hour of me chewing my fingernails, Thalia stepped onto the aisle. She slowly started walking towards me, and I couldn't take my eyes of her the whole time. Although I didn't notice it, she was staring at me as well. As she walked, her dress shimmered and sparkled, catching the light from the outside sun. Her bright blue eyes shone with happiness, and her freckles complemented her skin perfectly.

Thalia finished the long walk and stood in front of me, beaming. We exchanged vows and Chiron said

"Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, do you take Thalia Grace to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." I said happily

"Thalia Grace, do you take Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." she replied.

"You may now kiss the bride."

I pulled Thalia towards and fitted my mouth on hers. As always, sparks flew (literally).

Everyone cheered, and I think I even heard some wolf whistles from Leo. We pulled away and turned towards the crowd and I saw my mom there. She faintly smiled at me, and that was enough for me. I turned towards Thalia and saw that her jaw had dropped. I followed her gaze and was met with Zeus, king of the gods. I was honestly kind of surprised to see him there, I heard he didn't really care about his kids. Thalia looked towards Percy, who winked at her. Aha! He'd forced him to come!

Everyone then went off to the food table, and the seven plus some Roman demigods cane rushing up to us. I saw Grover being dragged by his wife Juniper, I think her name was, towards us and away from the food table.

Annabeth hugged both of us and gushed "I'm so happy for both of you!"

Piper, Hazel, Juniper, and Gwen all repeated the action.

The rest of the group congratulated us as well, then left to go mingle with the guests and take care of their families. I looked over at Thalia and smiled. She returned the gesture and grasped my hand. I put my forehead on hers and she murmured "This is the best moment of my life."

"Really?" I asked intrigued.

"Yep. Well, maybe aside from that one time the cashier forgot to scan one of my boxes of cereal."

"Glad to know I'm so loved." I muttered sarcastically

She laughed and slowly kissed me, wounding her hand in my hair. I responded back and heard the sound of someone coughing. I broke away from Thalia and looked behind me to see the king of the skies gazing sternly at me.

"Treat her well." he said and disappeared in a flash of thunder.

"Always the dramatic one." Thalia muttered

I chuckled nervously, still kind of intimidated by Jupiter, or should I say, Zeus.

Thalia noticed and scoffed "He's all talk! Don't worry, he's too lazy to do any damage."

I nodded and led Thalia over to the dance floor.

"Let's try this torture." I suggested

She shrugged and put her hands on my hips.

"Only if I get to lead."

We spent the rest of the wedding basically tripping over each other as we tried to dance and were congratulated by everyone present. I always thought I should be independent and not rely on anyone, but with Thalia, it was different. I didn't feel the need to be careful of what I said or what to do, since she was so accepting. She was perfect all round. And the giddy and excitement of being able to call her my wife didn't fade anytime soon.

A/N: Remember to comment me any suggestions you have and vote to tell me which chapters were your favourites!🖤

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