Capture the Flag

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A/N:Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art.

Thalia's POV:
Today at Camp Half-Blood, we were having a game of Ultimate Capture the Flag to celebrate the defeat of Gaea and the uniting of the Roman and Greek camps. Anyone who was a demigod was allowed to participate. It was a month or two after the actual war, but we all needed time to grieve and recharge ourselves before having to interact and play against one another.

Artemis had let me come on the promise that I wouldn't talk to any boys besides Percy and the others, since she trusted them. The teams were a mix between the Romans and Greeks, as a chance for us to interact with each other even more. I was on the blue team with the Demeter, Poseidon, Apollo (Roman), Athena, Mercury, Victoria, Nemesis, Arcus, Dionysus, Hypnos, Trivia, Vulcan, Aphrodite, Pluto, Hades, and Mars cabin. The red team was the Ceres, Apollo, Minerva, Bellona, Hermes, Nike, Invidia, Iris, Bacchus, Somnus, Hecate, Hephaestus, Venus, and Ares cabins. We were all pretty pumped up, both sides wanting to show the other what they were capable of.

Chiron trotted back and forth at the edge of the forest and stated the rules.

"The creek is the boundary line. All magic items allowed. No killing or maiming. Let the game begin!"

There was a rush of feet pounding on the floor and metal thrust into the air, and we all disappeared. Percy, Annabeth, and I led our team towards Zeus' fist, and began our battle strategy.

"Seaweed Brain, you and I are going to lead the offense team. Thalia, can you lead the defence team?" Annabeth asked. I nodded, ready to kick some butt.

"Okay then, that's settled. As for the flag, I was thinking of hiding it on Zeus' fist. Most campers are still pretty scared of the huge gap the Labyrinth opened there, so we have an advantage. Also, it's on higher ground, meaning it's easier to see and defend any oncoming attacks. Any questions?" Annabeth rattled off. Nobody said anything, everyone knowing better than to underestimate the daughter of Wisdom's plans. The offense team set out, and I organized the guard around our flag, making sure everyone was in position and knew what to do. Not a moment too soon. I heard a really faint rustle of leaves that only I could pick up, due to my years of training with the hunters. I quickly motioned to my team, and we all slowly crept forward. Once we were near enough, we took up our fighting stances and I knocked three fart arrows. Taking careful aim, I shot them towards the trees and was rewarded with coughing.

Reyna's POV:
The Ares cabin and I led our team towards the thicket. Together, we decided to hide the flag on this hilly area we found, meaning we'd have the higher ground and could spot the blue team immediately. We half-and-halved, meaning that half were on offense, while the other half was on defence. I was  the leader of the team on offense, along with Clarisse. The scouts we'd sent out came back with news: the flag was at Zeus' fist. Clarisse and I thrust our weapons into the air and talked strategy. Once we were certain we had a solid plan, we slowly crept towards the blue team base. We all hid behind a boulder or tree, and got ready to strike. The leader of the other team tensed, and turned around-we'd been caught.

With lightning (get it?)  speed, she knocked three arrows and shot them in our direction. They embedded themselves in the ground, and we were all confused.

"Evacuate! I remember these, they're fart arrows back from our last game with the hunters!" Clarisse cried.

I moved quickly, but not everyone did. Half our team was left behind coughing, which I'm sure was what the other team wanted. And the Hunters? That meant that the archer I saw was Thalia Grace! Before I could dwell on this further, I saw a figure launching themselves towards me, silver spear in hand. It was Thalia herself! Quickly gathering my thoughts, I drew my imperial gold spear, still not used to the idea of no maiming. Our weapons clanged, and I tried darting around her, with no luck. She was fast! Fine then, I'd have to try disarming. This went on for about fifteen minutes. No matter what I did, it wasn't enough. Thalia and I were both evenly matched, neither wanting to back down. Once, someone from my team even got pretty close to the flag, but Thalia threw a hunting knife with dead accuracy that it pinned the camper to a tree, all while fighting me!

She was so skilled and talented and gorgeous. What wouldn't I do to run my hands through her silky hair and hold her- my thoughts were interrupted by cheering coming from the Thalia's side. Percy and Annabeth had run across the border holding the flag. Percy quickly pecked Annabeth on the cheek and she blushed. I looked around for Thalia but she was cheering with her team. All of a sudden, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"You fight pretty well Ramiréz-Arellano." I whipped around to find Thalia standing there.

"Uh.. th-thanks." I stuttered, mentally cursing myself. We stood in silence for a bit while I gathered my courage.

"Hey, Thalia, I heard you've been here for a while. What do you say you give me a tour of the place?" I asked boldly, which definitely wasn't how I was feeling on the inside.

"Sure, let me show you the cabins." she said.

We walked around for a while and got to know each other. The more she talked and I learned about her, I was sure she was the one. Venus had said that my true love wouldn't be a demigod, and Thalia counted, didn't she? She was technically a hunter and hunters could be demigods, mortals, or even gods. With this thought in mind, we laughed and talked, only parting when the harpies threatened to fry us alive.

A/N: It's not the best, but I had a lot of homework, and had to go somewhere. Tell me what you think in the comments, and don't forget to vote so I can tell which parts you liked the best!

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