All because of an Essay

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A/N: Might be cliche, but it's cute!
Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art. I used google translate for this, so sorry if it's incorrect.
Warning: Slight suggestive content

Thalia's POV:
I ran across the street, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a random passing car. You see, I had 4 essays due tomorrow (or should I say today, considering it's 3am in the morning?) and I had been up all night working through them. I was on the 3rd one and my eyes just wouldn't stay open, so what better way to stay awake than by drinking coffee? Dodging a lamppost that seemed to have come out of nowhere, I finally made it to my destination. I threw open the door panting, took one look at the barista on duty, and felt me heart stop. Gods, was she gorgeous.

Reyna's POV:
It was 3am and my shift at "The Demigod Bakery" was almost over. Why we were open at 3 fucking am in the morning, ask my ever so clever boss, Leo. He said something about "providing service 24/7 is something that could get our sales up.", but I didn't see that happening anytime soon. I was about to drift off, when the tiny bell above the door tingled, signalling a customer. I was so irritated that I threw the closest thing I could find (which happened to be my half finished jam donut), and hurled it at the person. It took me a few seconds to comprehend what I had just done, and then I quickly ran over, startling the customer. She wiped goo and crumbs of her face and glared at me. With the smudged black eyeliner and dark punk clothes she wore, that look was pure evil (and not to mention, cute as well).

"So, is this how you greet all your customers, or do I get the privilege of being the first?" she demanded. For some reason, I didn't feel particularly scared, and instead just said "No, I only do it to crazy inhuman people who show up at 3 fucking am in the morning! I mean, who even does that!"

She then went on a rant about how a) she was tired as hell from writing 3 essays that night and b) it wasn't exactly her fault that I had opened the store at 3 am. I hated to admit it, but she was right, which made her even hotter.

She looked at me and blushed, saying "Well, you aren't so bad looking yourself."

I stood there gaping like an idiot, sure I hadn't said that out loud. Then, regaining my posture, I went back to the counter and asked her for her order. She ordered an extra large coffee with 5 sugars, insisting she had to stay awake. I really hoped that she didn't die from something like diabetes since it meant that I'd never see her again.
She was about to leave before I blurted out "Wait! What's your name? And, uh, could I have your number?"
She sauntered over with a smirk on her face, as if knowing I wouldn't have been able to resist asking her.
"Thalia Grace, pleased to meet you. Here's my phone number. And you are?"
She quickly scribbled her number on a sticky note she'd randomly pulled out of nowhere and handed it to me. When she did, our fingers brushed, turning my face into a blushing storm.
Trying to keep it at bay, I replied "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, but don't call me that unless you want your face ripped off."
I then handed her an extra cup of coffee on which I had scrawled my number. She looked confused for a minute, then smiled in gratitude.

"See you later then, πολυαγαπημένος." she said, and walked out.

"Ah, young love these days." I heard a voice say.

I whirled around to find Leo smirking at me through the window that divided the kitchen and store. That little weasel had been watching me this whole time!

"You (insert word(s) of your choice here)!" I cried, and threw a plastic cup at his head, hitting him square in the face.

"Now then, that's no way to talk to your boss, I might have to cut your pay for doing that. Oh, and speaking of pay, you do realize that you have to pay for that extra cup, right? I can't afford to loose any more money."

Grumbling from the lack of sleep and my idiotic boss, I crumpled up a 5 dollar bill and threw it at him. Realizing my shift was finally over, I picked up my bag and stalked towards the door.

"Hey, Reyna, I'm giving you tomorrow off to find your one true love again, so you two go have fun. But not too much fun though, okay?" Leo called, a cackle painted on his face.

My cheeks turned tomato red for the third time that day and I yelled "Screw off, Valdez. 'sides, I already have tomorrow off!"

I then walked out the door and slammed it behind me, thinking "What if she is my one true love?" With that happy thought in my mind, I started winding my way home through the deserted city.

   Thalia's POV:
I walked back to my dormitory at campus, not being able to get Reyna out of my head. How she could be so fierce yet cute at the same time, I had no idea. Yeah sure, she had thrown a half eaten donut at me, but I was able to get most of the crumbs off. You have to make sacrifices for love, right? I was so absorbed in my thoughts, that I hadn't realized I'd already walked into my dormitory and woke up my roommate, Annabeth. She threw a pillow at my face, and I didn't try ripping her intestines out for it, which was weird. She noticed this too, took one long look at my face and posture, and burst out laughing.

"What're you laughing for?" I cried.

"Nothing, it's just that Thalia has met someone!"

"What! No, h-how could you tell? I mean, no, I didn't meet anyone, I don't have a cru-"

"Thalliaaa has a cruuussshhh" Annabeth sang.

Groaning, I threw myself onto my bed and closed my eyes.

"So, was it a he or a she?" Annabeth began, being one of the only people who knew I was bisexual.

"It was a she, and even though she threw a donut at me when I walked in, she was still stunning." I said happily.

This went on for the rest of the night, and 20 minutes before my first class began, I realized I had forgotten my essays altogether. Oh well, Reyna was totally worth it. Maybe today after classes finished, I'd try to track her down. With this thought in mind, I purposefully marched into class, not caring about the detention I'd get later.

πολυαγαπημένος: means something along the lines of beloved, darling, etc. I used google translate for this, so it might not be the most accurate. If someone who speaks Greek would like to correct me if it's wrong, feel free to 😃

A/N: Sooo... I made this one extra fluffy to make up for the sad one before. How'd you like it? Please comment any suggestions you have, they mean the world to me.

The Tyrant's Tomb is also coming out today! I'm conflicted if I should read it or not, Jason already died, and I don't want to deal with someone else's death right now.

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