Relationship Advice

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A/N: The picture doesn't really match the chapter, but I liked it, so here it is.
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art.

Nico's POV:
Hazel and I walked through Terminus' Gate, but not before assuring him that we weren't sneaking any weapons in. She was talking to me about the changes we could make to the Hades cabin to make it look less like a motel for vampires, and more like a cabin for two crazy half-gods. I wasn't really listening, but just hearing her voice and seeing her eyes light up and sparkle was enough for me-I had an amazing sister who cared. She was saying something about "chucking those coffins out." when she slapped her forehead with her hand.

"Oh my gods, I'm so stupid!" she cried "I promised Frank that I'd meet him at the Temple of Mars to sort some things out. Sorry Nico, but I've got to go!" Hazel then ran off in the opposite direction, but not before hugging me first, of course. I smiled after her, I was glad that she was able to fit in so well, when it had taken me quite some time. I then continued walking along the path I'd stopped at, thinking I could maybe go pay Reyna a visit.

Reyna's POV:
I paced back and forth between my couch and bed, deep in thought.

"Why couldn't I get Thalia off my mind? First it had been her brother, Jason. Then it had been her herself. What was it with these Grace siblings? Why did they have all the charm?" My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on my door.

Sighing, I yelled "Come in!"

The door opened to reveal Nico standing in his usual black attire. He lifted his hand in greeting, then furrowed his brow as he saw me standing there, tugging my braid.

"What's up?" he questioned.

"Nothing." was my reply. I knew I shouldn't be lying to Nico, as we had a pretty strong bond, but it was just way easier to lie and pretend everything was fine.

He saw through my lie and raised an eyebrow at me, something I prided myself on being able to do. He then walked over to my couch, plopped down, grabbed two jellybeans, and stared at me.

After him just staring at me for a while, I finally caved in and said "It's just that-"Thalia?" he asked with a smirk.

"How'd you know? Was it that obvious?" I groaned.

"No, not to someone who isn't observant and doesn't know you very well. Besides, this is exactly how I acted before Will and I started going out."

I thought it over and came to the conclusion that it was true. Nico always had this slightly crazed look of someone not knowing what to do before Will had finally kissed him and asked him out.

"So, I help you out by giving you relationship advice and you repay me by teasing me?"

"Yep." Nico said. "But seriously, I'm here to help."

"Okay, okay. So, as you know, I like Thalia. But, Thalia is in the hunt, which means she's sworn off romance forever. And if she's sworn off romance forever, how can she ever like me back?"

"Wait, hasn't she only sworn off boys?" Nico questioned.

"No, I heard about these two hunters who knew they liked each other, so they had to leave the hunt in order to start dating (A/N: I'm talking about Emmie and Josephine from The Dark Prophecy). Artemis makes you swear off any type of love, but I've heard that if you tell her straight up that you like someone and don't try hiding it, she's usually okay with it."

"Oh, so you're hoping that Thalia likes you back and leaves the hunt?"

"I can't ask her to do that for me!" I cried. "Besides, I don't know if she even likes me back, or likes girls at all!"

"Well, I think you should go talk to her." Nico suggests.

"Talk to her!? And then what, ruin whatever friendship we had by scaring her off!?" I knew I was being hysterical by this point, but I didn't care, I liked Thalia too much to ruin things between us.

"Maybe I should just try to forget I ever liked her and be glad that I can call her my friend." I said, but I knew I couldn't ever do that, it was a big lie. Judging by Nico's expression, I could tell that he didn't believe me either.

"Then what should I do?" I moaned.

"Why don't you start a conversation with her and then bring up the topic of the LGTBQ+ community. See if she supports it. If she does, then I think it's safe to tell her you like her, even if she doesn't like you back. She'd understand and you could be great friends. If she does like you back, then you two can start making out. And if she doesn't support it, then she's a loser." Nico finished.

I ignored the making out part and said, shocked  "Wow. You actually have helpful advice."

"Come on, you know I have very good advice!" Nico said, offended.

"True, true. So next time I see her and we have a conversation, I won't be in this predicament anymore." I say confidently.

Ten seconds later, we heard a knock on the door and I went up to open it. My breath stopped in my throat-Thalia stood in the doorframe. I was going to have to talk to her a lot sooner than I'd planned to.

"Hey." she said to me. "I was told I could find you here. Can I come in?"

"Sure." I responded. I opened the door wider to let her through.

Nico cleared his throat and got up from my couch.

"Well, I guess I better get going. See you around."

He then walked to the door and pulled it open.

"Good luck." he mouthed. I silently begged him to hurry up and leave, so he left and closed the door. I turned around and faced Thalia. It was time to do this.

Nico's POV:
I was honestly kind of worried about what type of reaction Reyna would get out of Thalia, so being the good friend I am, I put my head on the door and tried to eavesdrop. I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but I heard Reyna say something along the lines of "The airport has free socks." Huh, I really should work on my hearing skills. I put my ear to the door and heard a soft sound-the sound of kissing. Smirking to myself, I decided to go and get ready for dinner.

An hour later, I made my way over to the dining area and tried locating Reyna. She look flustered and her lips were swollen.

"How'd it go?" I asked casually.

"It went-uh-good." Reyna said.

"So are you two now dating?"

"Uh, yeah."

"What happened to your lips?"

"You know perfectly well what happened!"

"Did you two make out?" I further interrogated.

"Shut up, di Angelo. Don't make me call my dogs on you." Reyna snapped.

I decided this would be a good time to leave, as I did not plan to have my arm chopped off by Reyna's automations. I grabbed a handful of pomegranate seeds and stepped into the shadows. Laughing at someone's love life and making fun of them actually was kind of fun. Just as long as that someone wasn't me.

A/N: I didn't really have a plan for this week so this was kinda rushed to make sure it got published. Tell me what you think of it in the comments and don't forget to leave any suggestions you might have! :)

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