Makeover Decision

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A/N: The timeline here is that Thalia still lives with her mom, and is around maybe 16 or 17? This is so she has to stay with her mom. Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art.

Thalia's POV:
Once again, I had stormed up to my room because of my oh so loving mother- Beryl Grace. As she did when she was usually drunk, she was running her hands greedily through my medium-sized hair, while muttering crazily to herself.

"Oh, be good child. If you're good, then maybe your daddy might come back. He might love me again and stay. Oh, he had dark hair just like yours. Long wasn't it? We must keep it like this."

The thing was, I'd actually believed her at first, thinking I hadn't been good enough and my dad had left because of me. So I had tried my hardest to make him and my mother proud, I'd cooked and cleaned up after my mother without complaint, hoping it'd be enough.
But after doing this for 7 years without any sort of gratitude, I decided it hadn't been my fault. I stopped trying to make my parents proud and instead just focused on keeping our house intact.

Today though, I had just gotten an idea from my
mother's crazy rant. If she said I looked like my father, I'd have to change that. He hadn't done anything to help me, so it was time to be rebellious. I was going to get a makeover.

Once I was sure my mother had passed out from the alcohol, I grabbed her wallet and snuck out the window, landing lightly on the sagging trampoline. I then made my way across the street and onto the sidewalk, the path familiar in my mind after hours of walking through it. 25 minutes later, I stood in front of "Circe's Beauty Supply", the beauty salon I'd always procrastinated against going to, thinking it would be the wrong thing to do. Not today though. With a purposeful stride, I opened the doors and walked in, breathing in the comforting scent of dyes I'd always dreamed about.

   Reyna's POV:
I was working overtime today since my sister, Hylla, was off sick and we had a lot of business. Figures. The one day our best stylist was gone, all the customers decided to come. I specialized in dyes, but the only dyes people ever came for were usually clients with black hair wanting to dye it blond. I was honestly pretty tired of blond and wanted to experiment with other colours, but obviously, no one ever let me. Sighing, I finished washing this women's hair I'd just dyed blond, although I told her it didn't match her skin tone. She got up and was replaced by another girl.

"What would you like to get done here at Circe's Beauty Supply?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"Uh, I'd like to get my hair cut and dyed." the girl replied

"Let me guess, you wanna dye your hair blond?" I asked.

The girl spun around in her chair and glared at me. I gasped, her eyes were a clear, startling blue.

"Excuse me, no! I don't want to end up looking like my good-for-nothing mother!" she hollered.

Oops. It looked like my carelessness had brought back a not very good memory. Wincing, I looked around, hoping nobody had seen her outburst (especially my boss, I was pretty sure she only tolerated me because my sister worked here as well) and was relieved that no one had.

"Sorry." I muttered. "What colour would you like then?"

"Hmm, I'm actually not sure yet. But first, can I get that haircut?"

"Wha-oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot."

I asked her how short she wanted it and she pointed at a poster with a woman whose hair was cut spiky and short.

"Okay." I shrugged and set to work.

We talked while I worked and I learned that her name was Thalia and her favourite band was Green Day. She loved archery and basically anything black and covered in spikes. Sometime when talking she bought up the topic about how I liked my work. Usually when someone asked it was because they were attempting small talk and I always replied with a "fine.", but something forced me to tell Thalia the truth. Maybe it was the fact that she actually seemed to care, I don't know.

"I actually don't like it very much, I'm only employed here because my sister, Hylla, works here and is on good terms with our boss. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure she'd have kicked me out ages ago." Thalia laughed at this and it was the most musical sound I'd ever heard. It encouraged me to keep talking.

"I specialize in dyes and would like to experiment with someone's hair and do what I want, ya know? But no one ever lets me do that, they're all too demanding."

"I'll let you do that." Thalia muttered.

"What?" I asked, sure I'd heard that wrong.

"I said, I'll let you do that." Thalia said, louder this time.

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want to do something to your hair that you'll despise."

"I'm sure." she said firmly.

Grinning from ear to ear, I quickly finished chopping her hair. Thalia sighed in relief.

"It feels as if so much weight has been taken off my shoulders." she said happily.

"Now, lets get down to dying your hair. I was thinking of doing-"don't tell me." Thalia intervened. "I want it to be a surprise."

"Okay then, don't blame me if you end up looking like Medusa though." I warned.

An hour later, I took the foil off Thalia's hair and gave it a quick wash. After drying it, I turned her towards the mirror. She gasped and ran her hand through her hair.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

   Thalia's POV:
I couldn't believe it. Reyna was truly a hair dying genius sent from Olympus itself. I had short, spiky hair that was dyed a midnight blue shade in some parts that didn't match my eyes but still went along great with them.

"Do I like it? I love it!" I exclaimed. "You're so talented!"

Reyna blushed and a huge grin broke onto her face.

"Thanks, it suits you."

"Oh, my mother's going to be so mad." I said with a cackle.

"Why?" Reyna asked

"I'm doing this all behind her back." I explained

Reyna nodded in understanding and led me over to the cash register.

"That'll be $75." she said

I handed over the money and Reyna handed me back the change, along with the store's card.

"In case you ever want to come back." she said, and winked.

"Why did she wink?" I wondered.

This question was answered when I flipped the card over to find her number scrawled in black sharpie. I blushed and walked towards my house, thinking it all over. Sure, I was going to pay for it when my mother found out, but still, today had been an eventful day. And maybe I should call Reyna sometime. Who knows, we might end up becoming good friends.

A/N: This was a bit rushed but I hope you like it! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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