College Maze: Part II

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A/N: This chapter was requested by @Drakonsword, so here it is. I'd honestly never thought about writing a second part, so sorry if it seems a bit off. I just hope it's decent. 😅 It takes place a  little bit later on into the year.
Disclaimer: The pjo fandom belongs to Rick Riordan. I also don't own the Fanart used.

Thalia's POV:
"Alright, everyone, settle down." called Ms. Athena, our photography teacher.

Reyna and I had decided to finally pursue our dreams of taking photography. Alright, I had maybe forced her into it, but only because she was so much fun to be around, and none of our other friends had been willing to join, not even Leo, who was usually looking for new ways to annoy the shit out of us.

"Today, we're just going to be exploring how to use the cameras and experimenting around with lighting." our teacher said. "I want each of you to pair up, and take turns taking each other's pictures, learning how to effectively hold a camera, and paying attention to how the lighting affects your outcome. "

She then walked over to a cupboard, and unlocked the door "The cameras are in here. If you want, you can go out of the room for inspiration, but you must stay on campus, and be back by the end of the lesson. You'll show me what you've all learned at the end, so if I were you, I wouldn't wander off. "

There was a scuffle towards the cupboard, as everyone tried to grab the best camera, and rush out of the class, eager to be out in the open. Reyna grabbed us a pretty decent camera, and we decided we'd take advantage of the summery season, and go outside. I spotted a nice, brightly lit area, with trees and some colourful wildflowers poking out of the lush, green grass.

"What about we take a picture of that?" I asked, vaguely pointing towards the area.

"Alright." Reyna replied.

We walked over, and I angled my camera at the scene, but felt something was off.

"Hmmm....." I muttered. "Oh, Reyna, what if you go stand between those two trees?" I asked in a what I hoped came off as a casual voice. Truth be told, I'd been wanting to take a picture of Reyna as soon as our teacher had said we could do whatever we wanted.

"Uh..okay." Reyna said, her cheeks suddenly seeming a whole lot redder than usual. It wasn't that hot, was it? Summer had only just begun.

She angled herself underneath the trees and brought her long, plaited hair to her side, and looking at me, smiled a rare, big smile. It was so precious. Her beautiful hair shone in the light, her eyes sparkled, and her pearly white teeth flashed in my direction.
Fumbling with the camera, I quickly took the shot, and when she came over to my side to see how the picture had turned out, my cheeks were positively on fire. I mentally cursed myself and my pale complexion. Ever since she'd collided with me in the hallway at the beginning of the year, I'd had feeling for her.

"You look- I mean, the picture looks amazing." I managed to stutter out.

"Thanks." she smiled "My turn."

Before I could protest, I found myself sitting on a rock, looking up to the sky, waiting for Reyna to take my picture.

Reyna's POV:
I'd been so nervous when Thalia was taking a photo of me, and was equally nervous now, hoping I didn't mess something up. I'd made her sit on a rock and look at the sky, to make sure all the pictures didn't look the exact same. I kneeled down on the grass for a new perspective (A/N: Any P!ATD fans here?) and looked through the camera lens. She was breathtaking. In a trance, I lowered the camera and admired her beauty, like her bright, cherry lips, and cute nose with some few freckles splattered across the bridge.

"Are you done yet?" came Thalia's voice, and she looked down to find me staring at her.


"I was, just, uh, finding the proper lighting....yeah, that angle's great!"

Thalia laughed, and turned her face back up towards the sky again. I clicked the camera, and took a few photos, so we could decide on the best one.

She jumped off the rock and came to check how the pictures had turned out.

"Wow, Reyna!" she complimented, "These look great! I didn't know you were this good at photography!"

"Neither did I." I admitted, for the pictures did look good, although, in my opinion, it had more to do with Thalia and how hot she was, rather than my photo-taking skills. Still, I took the compliment and didn't voice my thoughts.

We spent the rest of the class goofing off and taking pictures of mostly each other, although Thalia did manage to find a rabbit and somehow hold out a wild flower for it to sniff, without scaring it off. I guess she just had a way with nature.

We'd manage to get pretty far from our class, and in our enjoyment, we had forgotten all about having to make a return trip. I checked my watch and saw we had 5 minutes to get back.

"Thalia!" I called, who had wandered a bit further from me "We've got to go!"

"Fuck, I forgot! Alright, lets set off!" she said, and marched over to me.

We made it just in time, and showed our pictures to Ms. Athena.

"Good work, you two." she said. I'd heard from some of the other kids here that this was usually as far as her praises went, so I was proud. I looked over at Thalia, and she looked happy about it too.

I was now glad that Thalia had dragged me along with her to this class. I'd never really considered it before, but photography was actually pretty fun. Of course, taking pictures of your crush-best friend made it a whole lot better.

As we walked out, we ran into Percy and Annabeth.

"How'd it go?" Annabeth questioned.

Thalia looked over at me and smirked "Great! I can't wait to go back."

"That's a first." I heard Percy mumble.

All three of us reached out to hit him, and he backed away, trying to defend himself.

"Did I say that out loud? I didn't mean it!"

Thalia rolled her eyes and shoved him slightly.

"Shut it Kelp Face. Let's go eat. I'm starving."

A/N: Sorry this is a bit short. As I've never taken a photography class in my life, it's safe to assume I had no idea what I was doing. Please comment and vote to let me know how I did. 🖤

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