College Maze: Part I

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A/N: Sorry for the delay!
Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art
Warning: Rude hand gestures

Reyna's POV:
My car skidded to a stop as I harshly parked in the college parking lot. Today was my first day of going to Demigod College and I didn't want to mess it up, as I had a habit of ruining important occasions. I checked my watch and sighed in relief, I still had an hour to spare. Maybe I could explore and look around for future references.

I walked up the stairs and opened the immensely heavy doors and stopped breathing for 5 seconds. There were stairwells winding up and down wherever I looked with huge potted plants at the ends. Modern lights hung everywhere and the windows were big and spacious. As if in a trance, I continued looking around, not being able to believe that I actually got into this college. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that I had ventured far from the main hall and was now in some random, abandoned hallway.

Slightly panicked, I reached into my backpack to find the map I'd been given at orientation and cursed- I'd left it at home. That was no problem, I'd just ask someone to help me. I checked the time and found I had 20 minutes to get to my class. I jogged down the hallway I was pretty sure I'd come from and made a sharp turn, only to run into someone! My phone fell from my hands and I tripped over someone's leg. The person who I'd tripped over fell as well and landed on top of me, so it looked like we were both sprawled on the floor in a tangle of limbs. The mystery person quickly scrambled off me and I saw it was a girl dressed in all black and spikes.

"I'm sorry!" she apologized "Here, let me help you up." She held out her hand and I grasped it gratefully. She pulled me up and we stood inches apart. I looked into her eyes and saw they were a beautiful shade of sky blue with black flecks in them.  Right now, they were sparkling, as if in amusement. It took me a few seconds to realize the amusement was on my behalf, and so I cleared my throat. Not knowing what else to do, I introduced myself.

"Uh, hi. My name's Reyna. Sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking where I was going."

The girl ran a hand through her short, spiky black hair and grinned.

"It's 'kay." she said "I wasn't looking where I was going either. Name's Thalia by the way. I'm in my second year here and I'm already sick of studying. You're a newbie, aren't you?"

"Uh, yeah." I said, embarrassed she could tell I was new here.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but my class is starting in 10 minutes, so I'd better get going. See you around Reyna!" Thalia waved.

I waved back and internally sighed, Thalia was so hot that I was surprised she even looked me in the eye, yet alone apologized to me. I picked my phone off the ground and saw-thankfully-that it hadn't cracked and was still intact. I shouldered my backpack and was about to set off when I realized I didn't know where I was going. I had forgotten to ask Thalia for instructions! I quickly checked the time and groaned, I only had 5 minutes to find my classroom and get settled in. Sighing, I put my phone in my pocket and ran down the stairs, hoping I could relocate the main hall.

Thalia's POV:
I was walking down the hall, thinking about maybe starting photography classes this semester when someone rammed straight into me! They toppled to the floor and I lost my balance as well, falling on top of them. I looked down to see it was a girl with long, dark hair braided into a single plait. I quickly scrambled off of her and helped her up. We exchanged names and I found out that hers was Reyna. Cute, it suited her. I then bid her goodbye and walked towards my first class, which was Latin . Along the way, I got a text from my best friend, Annabeth.

Annabeth: Where r u? Class starts in 5.

Thalia:  Just got held up. Be right there.

Annabeth: Ok, ok. I'm just not gonna let u skip classes again this year.

Thalia: Course, wouldn't dream of it. ;)

I stuffed my phone into my pocket and walked the remaining amount of hallways. I then opened the class doors and scanned the room for my best friend and her idiot of a boyfriend. A boy with sea green eyes and raven black hair had his arm around a girl with beautiful, curly blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. Found them. They waved me over and I sat down beside them. We were about to start talking when the door burst open to reveal Reyna standing in the silhouette, panting, and clutching her backpack.

"Is this Mr.Brunner's class?" she heaved.

Most kids looked startled but I laughed and said

"Yeah, you're right on time." I then pointed to Mr.Brunner who couldn't get in the class since Reyna was blocking the doorway. She looked behind her and blushed, then scurried over to the only empty seat, which was next to me.

I smirked at her and said" So, we meet again. Did you get lost?"

"Um, maybe."

"Why didn't you just ask me to show you to class?"

"Cause I got distrac-I mean-I forgot."

"Well, you'd better take your books out."

While Reyna dived under the table to get her books I caught Annabeth's eye and she winked at me. Perplexed, I looked at her and she then slowly pointed a finger at me and then at Reyna and then winked again. Getting her intentions this time, I stuck up my middle finger at her and drew my finger across my throat slowly.

Mr.Brunner then called for silence and we all shut up. He started talking but I wasn't listening. In fact, throughout the whole class, I had my eyes on a certain dark-haired girl. I was pretty sure she caught me looking a few times, but oh well. At least she might get my intentions. We had the whole year. Who knew what relationships could form in that amount of time? And since when was I this optimistic?

A/N: I know the college's name sucks, but I didn't know what else to name it. I also have no idea as to how a college looks or works. If you have any suggestions to this, please let me know in the comments.

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