chapter 17 battle for time

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Y/n approached Khronos.

Y/n: Khronos.

Khronos: Yeah dad?

Y/n: We have to fight you're mother. You know that right?

Khronos: I know. But I won't let that get in the way. We will win.

Y/n: Alright.

Out of nowhere revenant Liu Kang came through a sail and landed on the ship. Khronos went to go up to him but Y/n stoped him.

Y/n: Let's keep this between brothers.

Y/n walked up to Liu Kang.

Liu Kang: I don't want to fight you. I want Raiden!

Y/n: Kronika has manipulated time too much. I will be your opponent.

Liu Kang: Then you will be the first to die.

He went for a fire kick. Y/n wasn't fast enough and was sent flying into a wall.

Khronos: Dad!

Y/n: Stay back Khronos! I got this.

Y/n got up and Liu Kang charged with a punch. Y/n dodged and went for his own only to be dodged.

Liu Kang: How do you like this power? Courtesy of my past self?

Y/n: You took your own soul?!

Liu: It won't matter in the new era. There will be no Raiden. Which means there will be no elder god killer. And there will be no you! I will be the most powerful, as is my right as the chosen one!

Y/n: How far you have fallen Liu Kang. Tainted forever.

Liu and Y/n started fighting again. Even with this new power. Liu Kang was no match for the prodigal son of the original elder god fighter. Liu Kang was down. Raiden walked up to him.

Liu: You're going ro have to kill me.

Raiden: I'd rather save you.

Raiden fused with Liu Kang to make him fire god Liu Kang. Removing the revenant in him.

Y/n: Woah.

Not long after the armies arrived at Kronika's keep. Khronos and Y/n went off first and charged straight against the nether realm army. Soon they were followed by the others. Liu Kang came down from the sky making a big boom destroying a good portion of the army. They eventually made it to the keep.

It was Liu Kang, Y/n and Khronos. Liu Kang blew the door open. They were met by revenant Jade, Kung Lao and Kitana. They were now godly thanks to Kronika.

Kung Lao charged for Y/n, Jade charged for Khronos and Kitana charged for Liu Kang. Liu Kanv was easily able to defeat Kitana. He looked at Kronika.

Kronika: I need more time. Cetrion, deal with this.

Kronika stepped aside to reveal Cetrion. Her normal colors replaced with red.

Cetrion: Yes mother.

Liu Kang and Cetrion threw fireballs back and forth.

Cetrion: You match me step for step.

Liu Kang: It's because you're heart is not in the battle. You are the goddess of virtue. And you know this isn't right.

Kronika: Do not listen and attack.

Jade was sent flying into a wall knocking her out. Kung Lao was punched in the jaw and slammed on the ground knocking him out also. Khronos got in between Liu Kang and his mother.

Khronos: Don't do this mom. We can win. I know we can. Please. Mom.

Cetrion looked at her son. She remembered the times he was just a little kid. And she realized what she was taking away by doing this. Kronika saw her and knew she wouldn't stay with her.

Kronika: Insolent brat!

Kronika fired a blast at Khronos.

Y/n: No!

Y/n jumped in front of the blast. Unlike with Shinnok. The chest piece of his armor was broken since then, he was badly hurt and burnt. He fell backwards into Khronos's arms.

Khronos: Dad!

Cetrion: NO! Damn you mother!

Cetrion turned around and unleashed a powerful beam of light knocking Kronika back

Khronos sat down with his dad in his arms.

Y/n: *coughs* Khronos. I can't fight. You got You beat Shinnok. You can beat Kronika. Now go.

Khronos put his father down gently. Cetrion and Liu Kang both were down. It was only Khronos and Kronika.

Kronika: Only you stand in my way now grandson.

Khronos: We share blood. But you are not my grandmother. You are a narcissistic woman who will die today.

Kronika: An unlikely outcome.

Kronika fired a blast at Khronos. He smacked it away into a wall. He was not happy.


Khronos charged for Kronika. She tried to dodge but Khronos caught up with her. The fight was one sided. The angry Khronos not holding back for even a second. He knocked Kronika down and put his foot up against her head.

Khronos: You have lost. You have failed. You are dead!

Khronos stomped Kronika's head in like Y/n did to Shao Khan decades ago. Kronika was no more. Khronos picked up her crown.

Khronos: This is a tool of a coward.

Khronos broke it in half. He ran back to Y/n who was sitting up.

Cetrion was starting to get back up. She saw the dead corpse of her mother. She saw the injured Y/n. She ran to him and hugged him.

Cetrion: Y/n! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!

Y/n: *hugs back* It's alright. You were looking out for us.

Khronos joined in on this family hug.

Liu Kang walked up.

Raiden: Well done.

They looked to see Raiden. His eyes were normal.

Liu kang: Lord Raiden?

Raiden: Just Raiden now. Khronos. You defeated your mother. You are now the keeper of time.

Khronos: I guess that was unavoidable.

Raiden: Time is your's to shape. Your power is greater than Kronika's. You shouldn't have as much problems.

Khronos: Well then. Let's get started.

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