chapter 2 attempt to kill

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I was with Liu and Kung as were walking in the woods remembering good times. But then a portal opened in front of us and a figure stepped through.

?: I found you.

Y/n: Who are you?

?: I am Shao Khan earthrealmer! I've come to kill you especially, son of the elder god fighter. *points to Liu Kang*

Liu: You got the wrong one.

Shao: You're not Raiden's chosen?

Liu: I am.

Kung: Yeah. Y/n is the son of the elder god fighter.

Shao: Then I'll kill the two biggest threats at the same time.

Kung: I'm a big deal too.

Shao: And who are you?

Kung charged and attacked with swift strikes. Shao struck him away knocking him into a tree. Liu and I charged at the same time. Liu went for a kick but it was caught by Shao and Liu got tossed into a tree. I went for a punch but it was caught by Shao. He went for his own punch but I caught it.

Shao: I will kill you. Then after I win the mortal kombat tournament, I will invade earthrealm. And every realm will be mine. Not even the elder gods will be able to stop me!

Y/n: You like to talk don't you?

Kung's hat came flying past both Shao and I letting go as to not get cut. The hat went back to Kung.

Y/n: You almost cut ME with the damn hat!

Kung: Sorry. But it had to be done.

I would have said something else but before I could Shao kicked me down. Kung jumped and landed a kick right to the chest of Shao knocking him back. Liu fire kicked Shao in the gut knocking him back even further.

Liu: If we work together we can beat him.

Kung sarcastic: Weren't we already.

Y/n: Liu Kang is right.

Shao: Don't be so sure. I'm not even trying yet.

Y/n: Well... shit.

Shao charged for us. He went for a punch and so did I, our fists collided and I followed with a kick. He blocked and grabbed my head. He slammed me.up and down on the ground three times before Liu kicked him making him drop me. Liu went for a flurry of punches but it didn't seem to do much. Kung attacked from behind with a slash to the back from his hat. It hit and now there was a long cut on Shao's back.

Shao let out a shout of pain and anger. He elbowed Kung in the face knocking him down. He then grabbed Liu Kang and tossed him through two trees. I was still stunned and on the ground.

A hammer appeared in Shao's hands and he walked towards me.

Shao: I'll kill you first. So that way the other two lose hope. Then I'll let the hat one run back to Raiden. So he can tell of his two best dying before the tournament even starts.

He lifted his hammer and went to swing it down. But I dodged just in time. He went for another swing but I dodged again. He kicked me in the face knocking me flat on my back. He placed his foot on my chest and pressed down, I could hear my bones crack. I let out a shout of pain. Shao let out a grin as he kept going making me scream more. Eventually he got bored and he stop pushing down.

Shao: Goodbye earthrealmer.

He went to swing. But a shock of lighting knocked him off of me. I looked to see lord Raiden standing to my right.

Raiden: Leave Shao Khan! Or you will face my wrath!

Shao: I do not fear you Raiden.

Raiden: You should.

Raiden let out a fast pace of words and charged at Shao Khan knocking him into a large rock. Shao grabbed Raiden and tossed him away. Raiden got up and went to shock Shao. Only to receive a hammer swing knocking him through three trees. Shao walked back over to me.

Shao: That should keep him down long enough. Let's try this again.

Shao went to swing his hammer down on me once more.

Y/n in head: Dad. I'm sorry. I couldn't live up to your legacy. I can't even beat this guy. I'm nowhere close to beating a elder god.

I closed my eyes accepting my fate. But I heard a grunt of pain from Shao. I opened my eyes and struggle to sit up to see Shao getting back up. I looked behind me to see Cetrion, and she did not look happy. It has been about a few months since I last saw her. I was glad she was here now.

Cetrion: I will give you one chance to leave Shao Khan. Raiden may have given up immortality, but I have not. Fight me and it will be you're last.

Shao knew this fight wouldn't be in his favor. Since he knew Raiden wasn't down for good. Unlike Liu Kang and Kung Lao who were out cold. Shao scoffed.

Shao: Next time there will be no elder god to save you Y/n. You and Raiden both.

A portal opened and Shao walked through. Cetrion walked to my side and kneeled down beside me.

Cetrion softly: Are you alright?

Y/n: I'm pretty sure he broke my ribs. And maybe something else.

Cetrion: You are safe now.

Y/n: Thank you lady Cetrion.

Raiden appeared from a lighting strike.

Raiden: Thank you for your help lady Cetrion.

Cetrion: You are welcome Radien. You should check on your other two warriors. I wish to speak to Y/n.

Raiden: As you wish. *leaves to check on Liu and Kung*

Cetrion: That was brave of you to fight him Y/n.

Y/n: I couldn't just run and leave Liu and Kung behind.

Cetrion: You could. But you didn't. You did well.

Y/n: Its still years before the tournament. Why attack now?

Cetrion: No doubt he wished to kill you. He knows that your father would have beaten him with a finger.

Y/n: I can't even beat him with both of my hands.

Cetrion: You will. I belive that one day you will beat him with just you're pinky finger one day.

Y/n: Thanks. Its good to know someone believes in me.

Cetrion: More people do than you think.

The next part surprised me. Cetrion planted a kiss on my cheek. It surprised me and my face went red. Cetrion chuckled.

Cetrion: Goodbye Y/n. I'll see you soon.

She walked away and disappeared. I was confused, but happy.

male reader x Cetrion. love of a godWhere stories live. Discover now