Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day in the town of Kuoh and everyone was in a good mood. Everyone except Ace Shadeheart, he was a third year student in Kuoh Academy with dirty blonde hair along with teal eyes and for some time now things started to look rather different for him. Everything started to appear as pointless and stupid but not in a way many would think, it all just started to get on his nerves very easily. All of the others students started to become just annoyances and it could be seen in his eyes, it was very hard to notice but to anyone that took a moment and inspected Ace they could identify a slight disgust aimed at them.

At home his parents did not see this change because both of them would be way to occupied or just out of town. Already being more of a loner Ace's sudden change wasn't noticed by a lot of people but those who noticed it mainly were the devils. That's right, Kuoh town was actually Devil territory ruled by the Sitri and Gremory houses, non of the houses members actually talked to Ace that much but each time he got angry a energy signiture was sensed. It wasn't magic but it certainly held potential. Getting back to the present Ace is seen walking around the school ground lost in tought mainly trying to figure all of this new feelings out.

While passing by the kendo club Ace manages to see 3 people from the corner of his eyes at one of the walls buildings peeking into the girls changing room. They were non other then the infamous perverted trio, Kuoh's worst bunch, normally he would just pass by and avoid being seen with the trio in anyway but now Ace felt an anger rise. This idiots knew nothing about decency and he grew sick of it, picking up a rock Ace throws it hitting the buildings wall, at this the kendo girls go to investigate and find the trio who end up being beaten with wooden swords. Having a smirk Ace goes to resume his walk before getting a feeling that he's being watched, looking twords the old school building he sees a girl with red flowing hair and blue eyes staring down at him.

Rias Gremory, The Queen of Kuoh academy, every boy wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be her. That look of disgust Ace gained for some time now flattered for a few seconds at her sight, her beauty stroke his mind like an arrow in the night making him unable to look away, but as they keep looking at each other she moves back into the room of the old building away from his sight. Releasing a sigh Ace makes his way back to the class, smirking as the perverts screams could still be heard in the background.

Back at the old school building Rias was playing a game of chess currently.

"Akeno who was that?" She asks the other person in the room with her, this was Akeno Himejima Kuoh's second queen. She had long black hair caught in a ponytail along with magneta eyes.

"Ace Shadeheart, he's in class with us i believe. Got an interest in him?" Akeno responded to her with a smile.

"He has a very interesting presence around him. Keep and eye on him and Hyoudo. Also checkmate" Says Rias standing up.


After classes end Ace is walking back home with his earphones in and listening to one of his favorite songs. It was one of the only activities he could never grow out of, ever since being a kid Ace calmed his mind with music, one of the only things that kept him sane at times. Suddenly he feels a tap on his shoulder, releasing an almost inaudible sigh he takes his earphones off and turns to the person who is revealed to be a girl with blue hair.

"E-excuse me are you Ace Shadeheart by any chance?" She asks while avoiding eye contact

"Yes i am. Do you have any business with me?" He replies in a indifferent tone, one he uses mainly with strangers.

"My name is Yumi and i wanted t-to ask i-if you wanted to go on a d-d-date with me?" She says sounding shy and holding her hands together behind her back.

At this question Ace's eyes widden and he takes a few seconds to think. A girl appearing out of nowhere and asking him out was something unexpected for a normal Thursday, he wanted to turn her down since he knew absolutely nothing about her, but seeing as his feelings have really started to go haywire lately he thought that maybe having someone to date would help in a way.

"Sure. Sunday at the mall, sounds good?" Ace says with a smile making the girl snap her head up at him and blush.


Reaching home Ace walks up to his room and crashes on his bed releasing a deep breath. This day surely turned out to be more action packed then he thought it would, letting his mind wander he puts on his earphones again and ends up falling asleep.

In his dream he finds himself in dark void seemingly floating around.

"What the hell?" The teenager asks trying to move but to no avail as his stuck unable to move.

Before he starts to panic even more the void slowly changes into a city, buildings broken and fire's raging all around it, the most strange thing however was the green sky that shined brightly above this grimm place. A sole figure stood in front of Ace, they were dressed in a strange outfit consisting of a black gi with a red fabric wrapped around their waist and white boots as footwear. A green earring was on this figures left ear and it only served to inforce the strange factor of their attire.

Their appearance was very strange as they had black hair which somehow opposed gravity completely and matching dark eyes.

Their appearance was very strange as they had black hair which somehow opposed gravity completely and matching dark eyes

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"So you're the mortal who's supposed to be able to use my divine power." the person said in a slightly mocking tone.

Ace was confused as hell but the attitude this individual had angered it, it must have shown since suddenly the stranger appears right in front of Ace holding 2 fingers right under his chin with what appeared to be a purple blade of energy at their tip ready to pierce the blonde's neck.

"Listen mortal, I don't like you and you won't like me. But we're stuck with each other so better make sure you don't die too early, ok?" The person in the Gi says before the surroundings start to blink in and out along with Ace's body as he felt something going on.

Shooting up in a cold sweat Ace takes deep breaths and looks around frantically. He figured it was all a dream but he was glad it's over.

"Think again mortal." Ace hears behind him and turns around seeing the stranger again. Shooting up from his bed he takes a bat that was under his bed and gets ready for a fight.

"Who the hell are you?!" Ace yells and swings the bat only for the stranger to catch and snap it before knocking Ace back into the wall making him release a groan of pain and slide down to the floor.

"I wouldn't do that a second time if i were you. As I was saying we'll have to live with each other so get comfortable, I'm about to fill you in on what's going on. But first of all, you can call me 'Goku Black' or just 'Black' " The stranger says and sits down on Ace's deskchair. Standing back up Ace looks at Black with a glare while rubbing his head, as he looks in Black's direction the teenager sees his reflection in his wall mirror above the desk.

His dirty blonde hair slowly flashed to a raven black color as it spiked up, his teal eyes darkened more and more until no longer possible.

"W-what happened to me ?" Ace whispers looking at his new appearance. It wasn't that bad looking in his mind tho, he always thought black hair would suit him well and it seems he was right.

"Take a seat and I'll explain. Don't make me say it again" Black warns, with no other choice Ace did as he was told and sat down all be it skeptical and very tense.

He had no idea his life was gonna change completely from this point on.

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