Chapter 8

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The streets of Rome were crowded by civilians and armed guards, they did random check-ups on the folk by stopping them a making sure they wore a bracelet clearing them as humans. The church had to calm the masses somehow, in an effort to do so they came up with these bracelets, but of course the world leaders weren't happy with just that so they founded the 'Pure blood' task force.

The 'Pure Blood' force was made up of soldiers wearing black and white battle armor's along with blabk white masks, this masks only had eye holes and nothing else promoting the nickname 'Blank faces' to be created. A shotgun and Ar were always found on their backs, what made these special were the holy and demonic bullets. The church mass manufactured holy bullets for the Pure Bloods and the demonic ammo was acquired from the imprisoned devils that were forced to pour their power into.

The holy ammo was made for the Ar's that would be used against devils and any other beings weak to it, the demonic ammo was mainly shotgun shells used against regular monsters but I digress.

Walking down the crowded streets of the Italian capital Ace looked around intrigued at the current state of democracy, he was dressed in a blue hoodie and black pants while his hair and eyes looked like when he was in super sayian god making no one able to recognize him, it intrigued him to witness this radical measures and the results. The results he was referring to were the homeless people that could be found on every street and in every alley.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder Ace is turned around and met face to face with a blank face soldier, the name made much more sense now since this sight would honestly be creepy to any normal human but he was far from normal so it didn't affect him in the slightest. "Show me your bracelet." The soldier ordered as his voice came out mechanical through the masks modulator. Ace remained silent for a few seconds thinking about how much he'd like to just rip the thugs throat out, but knowing it would just blow his cover the sayian nodded and raised his left arm on which a silver bracelet with blue glowing ornaments rested.

After analyzing the bracelet the soldier nodded. "You're clear. Go back to what you were doing." He said walking away, at this moment Ace was thankful he took the bracelet along when he 'borrowed' his attire from a very generous man. Making his way into an alley the young adult stoped walking and looked around, suddenly a bunch of ice spikes took form in the air and headed straight at him, smirking the sayian snapped his fingers causing a strong shockwave that shattered the ice, the person who attacked had no time to react as Ace appeared next to them and grabbed their neck before slamming them against the wall of the alleyway.

"Mages are considered on par with a middle class devil when it comes to bounties right? I found a gold mine then." The young man said with his deep voice while taking the mage's hood off revealing it to be a woman with long blonde hair that contained silver highlights.

"Y-you're really h-him." The mage struggled to say causing the sayian to raise his eyebrow. "A-Ace Shadeheart." At the mention of his name Ace tightened his hold and stared right into the woman's silver eyes.

"I'd choose my next words carefully if I were you." He growled out.

"I-I'm n-ot your enemy, after you t-told everyone about the supernatural I-I killed Sirzech." Laura struggled to breath, thinking her words over Ace released his hold, the mage coughed and rubbed her neck to try and get rid of it's stiffness.

"If you think that's enough to keep you alive you're wrong but I am interested in how you knew it was me." He said and took his hood off.

"Your energy signature is unique, I got a good feel 4 months ago when you took yourself and Odin out. I felt something similar only much stronger 2 weeks ago, I wanted to see what it was and now here we are." Laura explained as her neck came back to normal.

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