Chapter 9

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"S-She is gone somewhere, didn't tell anyone where she went only told us to go and find some strong people to join the Khaos Brigade." The black haired teen said as Ace put his ki blade closer to his neck. "That's all I know I swear!" He yelled in fear and groaned in pained after as his broken ankle and wrist only grew worse.

The scarlet haired sayian scowled, he finally caught Ophis's trail just to hit a dead end again. He couldn't wait for her to be back so he needed to do something, thinking a way to lure her back he smirked as the perfect plan was made in his mind.

"It's your lucky day, you can still be useful. Tell me where the others were sent and what kind of power they hold." The teen was hesitant to answer Ace, this prompted the sayian to roll his eyes and stand stab his ki blade into the teen's abdomen. Releasing a scream of pain as blood gushed out of his stomach, the black haired youngster gritted his teeth after screaming. "Better answer me, or I'll start cutting some limbs off." Ace threatened.

"V-Vali the W-White Dragon Emperor is in G-Greece trying to get a demi-god to join, Arthur P-Pendragon along with his sister are in Irland trying t-to get the Lady of the Land of Shadows Scatchac in the Brigade..." He struggled to answer in pain, when he stopped to catch his breath, Ace twisted the blade only amplifying the torture receiving yet another scream.

"K-kuroka,a Nekomata, is in Japan to free R-Rias Gremory's bishop from his prison and also look for her little sister's killer. T-that's everyone that Ophis trusts." The last one caused the sayian's eyes to widen but he calmed his rage at hearing 'her' name again. Satisfied with the information Ace stood up and discarded his ki blade wiping the blood of his hand, unfortunately some also made it's way on his blue hoodie promoting the sayian to groan,taking it off he reveals a white T-shirt underneath along with a cross chain around his neck before looking back at the almost dead Khaos Brigade member.

"Wasn't that hard now was it?" He mocks while smirking devilishly. "At this point I have no more use for you, so time to get rid of a loose end." Putting his hand to the the sided Ace brings them back above his head, blood red ki gathered around his palms as he did so, slamming them down he creats an explosion, the blood red ki looked like flames upon being let loose, before him that completely obliterates everything it touches.

" Putting his hand to the the sided Ace brings them back above his head, blood red ki gathered around his palms as he did so, slamming them down he creats an explosion, the blood red ki looked like flames upon being let loose, before him that comp...

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Looking at the aftermath of his attack the scarlet haired man smile, only a crater that was being filled with the falling snow stood in front of him. "Now...Where the hell in Russia am I?"

*Scene break*

After figuring out he was in the western side of Russia, Ace headed to his closest target, that being The White Dragon Emperor in Greece. As he entered the skies of the European Country, Ace slows down and looks for any strong draconic energy signatures that resembled the dead pervert's.

"Anything I should know about the White Dragon?" Ace asks his partner about the future opponent.

"His ability is the complete opposite of the Red Dragon, he can half an opponents magic power every ten seconds. Only requirement is that he has to touch his opponent first. You don't actually use magic so I'm not sure if he can divide ki. Try and take him out from distance, only engage close quarters if he does manage to dive your power." Black answered, his knowledge of the supernatural came in handy at moments like this.

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