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"I still cannot believe you are going to Hunter's house for an entire week!" Alana squealed as I was fighting with the zipper of my suitcase.

"Yes Alana, we have been over this many times, now can you please come over here and help me with this." I urged as I tried to sit on the suitcase while also pulling the zippers shut.

"Oh yeah, sorry," She said as she finally walked across the room to help. With quite a bit of effort and some unnecessary grunting from the drama queen herself, we eventually managed to get it shut. "Are you sure you need all of these clothes? It seems like a lot, and that is coming from me."

She was probably right, I had far more clothes and shoes than were necessary but I truly had no idea what to wear. "His family is loaded and like famous in the football and dance communities, I want to impress them. I can't show up wearing just anything."

My insecurities had been getting the best of me as break got closer and as excited as I was to spend time with Hunter away from campus, I was growing more and more anxious. The past three weeks since I agreed to this little trip have been filled will classes and endless homework as midterms grew near, but also plenty of time spent with Hunter. We have grown so close that I can't imagine more than a few days going by without seeing him; of course, it is always hard with his football schedule being so hectic, and now that we were officially in the playoffs I knew things would only get harder.

Most of our days are taken up by class and then his football in the afternoons, but in the evenings we always seem to find each other. Most of the time he seems tired after grueling practices so we spend time either in his room just hanging out or with him coming to crash my little hiding spot, although it seems safe now to say our hiding spot, to watch me read. While spending time together like this seems perfect to me, I constantly worry that it isn't enough for him. He is used to wild girl's constantly partying and seemingly never sober, and spending time with me is dull in comparison. Although on the weekends he hasn't been away for games, he always seems to have cute little dates planned for us, whether it was apple picking and hayrides, something I have always wanted to do but never had the chance living in LA, or long scenic car rides to watch the changing leaves, they were always so thoughtful and have me falling harder and harder.

We have yet to take that step in the relationship, we have never actually done more than making out, and the fact that Hunter has respected me enough to not push helps to solidify my case that he is one of the most incredible guys I know. It makes me want to do so much more with him, give him more of myself than I have ever given anyone, but my fear always seems to get the best of me as I constantly worry if I will measure up to all that he has had before. That is why anytime things seemed to be getting heated and progressing into more than just a steamy make-out, I panic and put a stop to it all, and he never seems to claim. Instead, he just pulls me close and lets me fall asleep in his arms, something that has developed into an every night occurrence.

I am snapped out of my thoughts of Hunter as Alana tries to get my attention, "I was going to tell you that you have nothing to worry about because they will love you but I see you were too busy dreaming about lover boy."

As if on cue Hunter appears in the doorway, "Talking about me again I see," he jokes as he walks toward me and gives me a kiss on the head. "You ready to head-out?"

I nodded my head and let him know I was all set as I walked over to say goodbye to Alana. As I hugged her she leaned close into my ear and whispered, "You better not come back a virgin."

I tried to hide my audible gasp with a cough and hoped to God that Hunter didn't hear what she just said, but it seemed he was too busy collecting my suitcase off of my bed. "Did you pack rocks in here? You know it is only a week right Mel." He teased.

I just rolled my eyes and said a final goodbye to Alana as I walk out the door with Hunter behind my dragging my suitcase. He expertly hoisted it up into the truck and then walked over to open the door for me, something he did every time we went anywhere, before walking over to get in himself.

"Okay, here we go."

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