Chapter 1

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(Frisk's P.O.V)

"listen...i know you didn't answer me before, but... somewhere in there. i can feel it. there's a glimmer of a good person inside of you. the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing. someone who, in another timeline, might have even been...a friend?"

Tears ran down my face as Sans talked. I never wanted this, I wanted it all to end.

"c'mon buddy. do you remember me? llease, if you're listening... let's forget all this, ok? just lay your weapon down, and... well, my job will be a lot easier."

"Let's finish this comedian", I heard Chara say. But I couldn't, I couldn't kill anymore monsters. I couldn't kill Sans. I dropped my knife.

"NO! What are you doing??" Chara yelled, "He won't let you live after what you've done!"

Ignoring her, I take slow steps towards Sans, my tears running faster.

"... you're sparing me? finally buddy, pal. i know how hard it must be... to make that choice. to go back on everything you've worked up to. i want you to know...i won't let it go to waste... c'mere, pal."

I gladly walk into his open arms, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry", I whispered to him.

He stayed silent.

Suddenly I felt something pierce through me. Everything started to go black. All I could hear was Sans yelling"geeettttttt dunked on!!!"

Everything was dark now, I could faintly hear Sans, "if we're really friends... you won't come back" It almost sounded like he was about to cry.

The familiar music started to play as I feel my soul break again. I wasn't really listening to what the voice was telling me, I was thinking about Sans. "If we're really friends", I am his friend, "You won't come back". Well that settles it.

"I want to reset", I yelled. I was instantly pulled to a screen with two options, continue or reset.

"I told you he would kill you", Chara appears beside me with a smirk, "Do you think anything would even change if you reset the timeline? He would remember what you did, would be able to live with him hating you?"

"I don't know", I replied, "But I don't care, I will not kill Sans. I will never kill another monster" A tear ran down my face as I made this promise.

I stepped towards the reset button, but before I could press it Chara's hand stopped me.

"All our hard work will be gone, everything that you started will be lost. You can't do this", Chara snapped angrily. 

I glared at her as I got my arm out of her clutch, and pressed the button.

Suddenly we were back at the golden flowers.

I was beaming as I looked at Chara, who was now glaring at me.

"Whatever, you'll get bored", she snapped at me.


A note from the author,
Please comment if you actually like the story and want to read more.
Sincerely me!

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