Chapter 11

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(Sans p.o.v)

i started to walk down the hall, their was various screens for me to read.

they seem to be done by alphys, so she must know this place is down here.

(Chara's p.o.v)

"Let me get this straight, you hugged a volcano!!"

I was mad, I was more than mad. Frisk is sitting in front of me with burns all over her.

"I had to-"

"No! No you didn't. That was stupid and reckless."

She frowned at me as she ate something to heal. "I'm fine, see!"

I groaned loudly, "That doesn't matter. What happens if you're not fine, what happens when you die!?"

"Then I reset and do the same thing again, you know how this works. Why are you so mad evertime I get hurt?"

"Because... because", taking a deep breath, I felt the anger leave me," cause I don't want to see you get hurt"

Frisk frowned at that. She probably doesn't believe me, I mean, it's not like I've treated her well.

Frisk got up and continued walking, only to stop and check her phone.

"Hey Chara?"


"Did Alphys seem weird to you?"

"Uh, not really. She seemed like her normal awkward self. Why?"

"She just seems different, like what she says and how she acts. She just sent a status update about how she's worried her guest will hate her now. What could that mean?"

"I don't know, that seems really weird."

Frisk put her phone away and rolled up her sleeves again. We've still got a long way until we're out of Hotland.

(Sans' p.o.v)

what has alphys done?

i remember her asking for any monsters that had fallen down, that was before we had ever met. but these poor monsters, they've melted together into this amalgamate. but, they seem so familiar. like i've seen this all before.

(Frisk's p.o.v)

Each step is harder than the last. Each breath weaker than any other.

My will to go on is slowly fading.

And this heat is unbearable.

Each fight gives me so much stress, I'm surprised I haven't died yet.

I've still got so far to go, but I don't know whether I can make it to the end.

...I don't know whether I deserve to make it to the end...

The guilt eating me from the inside grows every second. I can't go one step without seeing another monster dust.

Not to mention, I haven't slept in a while.  I'm honestly exhausted, mentally and physically. But I have to keep going. I have to free the monsters. I have to erase my actions.

...but I can't erase what I've done...

Nothing will go back to the way it was. These monsters all act kind to me, but if they knew what I did, I'd be dead where I stand.

And Sans...

He hates me now, I can't take back what I've done to him. It hurts me, more than any attack, that Sans will never be my friend again.

Pain fills me up till all my effort is holding back tears. All the memories, gone. Every pun and joke, gone. The people I cared about most, gone. Everything I ever loved is gone. Now, I'm all that's left.

...I deserve this...I deserve to feel this pain...

(Sans' p.o.v)

i stood there frozen in fear.

this place was too familiar, these results seemed too familiar. i felt like i had seen all these things before.

i didn't realise i actually had.

my memories flooded back to me as i stood in front of the D.T. extractor.

i remember the first human standing in front of the machine. the fear in their eyes. we extracted it's soul from it's chest, which caused the human so much pain it died. but we had the soul.

we managed to extract determination from the soul, and, though we didn't realise it till later, some magic as well.

we then tried to inject other monsters with the 'determination'. everything seemed fine at first, but then they started melting.

the leading scientist was so desperate to leave the underground, that he started to trick monsters into being tested on.

he'd inject the little determination we had into the monsters and tested then for how long it would take for the monsters to melt into amalgamates. he worked out that monsters with stronger souls could withstand the power of 'determination' longer than others. he even started to see different magic being used from the different humans he used.

he started to research which monster has the strongest soul. he came to the conclusion that the skeleton monsters have the strongest soul.

he couldn't test himself on the 'determination', so he turned to his family.

he tested his own wife on 'determination'.

she passed away not long after.

going mad at the loss of his wife and his continuous failures, he turned to his son.

he- i, was injected with, what my father thought to be, the perfect amount of 'determination'.

i barely lived through the experience. i was left with a cracked soul leading to the lowest h.p. anyone could have.

taking a shaky breath, i proceeded to make my way back to the elevator, i don't wanna be here anymore.


I hope you enjoy this chapter. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm doing in these few chapters, but I hope their still good. I'm open for constructive criticism!

Take care of yourself, sincerely me!!

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