Chapter 8

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(Frisk's p.o.v)
(Also warning for any younger readers, there's a lot of swearing at the start of this chapter)

"Frisk! Oh my god, are you okay??"

I looked up with blurry vision to see Chara crouched down looking concerned.

"Frisk? Frisk please tell me you're alright."

Groaning, I managed to sit up. I had a stabbing pain in my head, neck, and back. I could feel something running down my face, and I went to wipe it away. I looked at my hands that were now covered in blood.

Confused I looked at Chara, who was incredibly mad.

"How could he do this to you! I'm going to kill that comedian!"

Wait, is she talking about Sans?

"Chara, what happend?"

"What happend was that asshole almost killed you, just because you were telling him the truth" She was yelled at me.

Memories started to flood back as she said this. I remembered Sans asking to go for a walk, and then getting the tutu, and then hiding from Undyne, and then teleporting over the river.

I frowned as I tried to remember more, it wasn't helpful that Chara was ranting rather loudly beside me. "That son of a bitch, I swear if I could, I would kill him and everyone he loves!"

I remember Sans asking what I wanted with Papyrus, I remember saying I just wanted to be his friend, and Sans getting mad at me, saying he doesn't need a murderer and then...

"Oh God no..." I buried my face in my hands as I groaned.

"Frisk, are you alright?"

I looked back up at her, "How could I have been so stupid to call Sans a bad brother! I know he had bad days, and I know he has incredibly low self-esteem. And I call him a bad brother, God, I really am an idiot!"

"What? Don't blame this on yourself, this is his fault! He shouldn't've attacked you."

I remember the fear I felt as his eye sockets went dark and he picked me up. He screamed at me with his flaming blue eye, and slammed me against the wall. I was so scared...

"Come on, we've gotta go get you healed. There's a save point back here"

After I managed to stand up, we both walked over to the river to realise we can't go across.

"UGH! That stupid skeleton and him being so fucking lazy!"

Now getting annoyed at her anger, I yelled over her, "Chara it's fine, I've got items to heal"

After I had eaten both pieces of the bicicle, I was feeling a lot better.

"You've still got blood all over you" Chara mumbled angrily.

Sighing, I went over to the closest river and slid in, trying to wash off all the dry blood. I could tell Chara was disgusted by this, but it was really my only option.

After I was clean enough, I got out, soaking wet. Chara frowned at me and said "cute". I smiled at her, knowing that it would piss her off more. She just rolled her eyes at me and started walking.

Once we had made one of those flower bridges to go across the river, I remembered there was a hidden room in here. I went down to the left corner and let go of the seeds there so that they would flow down and form a bridge in the right corner. When they did, Chara and I walked over it into the secret room.

It was small, and only had a bench and an echo flower, but it was so peaceful here, I could understand why there would be a place like this. I went over to the bench to look under it. The was an abandoned quiche, and I took it.

"Do you know how long it's been there, it's probably mouldy."

I looked over at Chara and simply said, "It's monster food, monster food doesn't spoil, remember?"

Before she could say something back, I turned around and went over to the echo flower.

I touched it and heard it say, "I just wasn’t ready for the responsibility"

"Who do you think said this?" Chara asked.

Turning away from the flower to leave the room, I shrugged and said, "I don't know"

~☆~ A while later ~☆~

Shit, run faster Frisk!

I could hear Undyne's loud footsteps behind me.

Just a little further, I can see the Hotland sign!

"You've escaped from me for the LAST time!"

A barricade of spears appeared in front of me, causing me to stop and turn around to face Undyne.

She threw a spear at me and I caught it. She then proceeded to turn my soul green, somehow, making it impossible for me to escape. She then sent a swarm of spears at me, and I managed to block most of them with my spear, but one cut my arm making it bleed.

"NGAHHH!!! DIE ALREADY, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" The fish lady yelled.

She made my soul red again and sent a spear at me, which I easily dodged.

I then turned around and started running again. I could see the light of Hotland, I'm almost there.

Finally out of waterfall, I looked behind me for a second to see Undyne close. I looked back in front, struggling to breath. I really should exercise more.

Almost to bridge, I looked to my left to see if Sans was at his station, and to my surprise he was. I didn't expect him to be somewhere he'd know I'd be, I thought he'd be avoiding me. He was sleeping, but it looked like he was frowning in his sleep. Oh no, I hope he's not having anymore nightmares.

Before I could think about it anymore, I had approached the slim bridge I had to cross.

"Don't trip, don't fall in the magma. Don't trip, don't fall in the magma." I kept saying to myself as I ran across the bridge. I could hear Undyne yelling at Sans for sleeping. Poor Sans.

Once I'd made it to the water cooler, my legs gave up on me and I fell to the ground and just laid there. I heard Undyne collapse at the end of the bridge saying something about how hot her armor was.

Despite my aching legs, I got up and got a cup of water for her from the water cooler and took it over to her. I tipped the water on her and she got up. She stared at me for a second and the turned around and walked in the other direction.  I went and got a drink after that.

I rolled up the sleeves to my sweater, wondering why I didn't just wear a normal shirt, when I accidentally touched my cut from Undyne's spear. I looked down at me to see all the cuts I got from her, there was giant slashes in my sweater and on my shorts. I frowned at this, realising these are my only clothes and they're ruined.

I walked over to the save point. I looked up at Alphy's giant lab and realised that seeing such a strange laboratory fills me with determination.

Once healed, I went back over to the water cooler to wash off the dry blood, again.

When healed, I looked back at Sans, who was still sleeping, although he was now crying in his sleep.

Guilt flooded me as I walked away.


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!

Sorry is it's a little short, I try to aim for over 1000 words, but I don't know if it's too short.

Also, happy new year guys!!
*raises cup of grape fanta*
I hope 2020 is a good year!!

Take care of yourself, sincerely me!

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