Chapter 2

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(Frisk's P.O.V)

I get up from the golden flowers and start to proceed to the door. But I suddenly double over in pain.

"What's up with you?" Chara asked.

I try to get up again, but I'm still in a lot of pain. I have no idea why though.

I try to walk to the door, but I feel like I'm being stabbed evertime I move.

"Seriously, why are you acting so weird?" Chara asked again.

I turn to her, "Is it possible for me to not have healed properly after being killed so many times"

"Why are you asking me? How should I know?" Chara snapped angrily.

I rolled my eyes at her while I pulled up my sweater. I was shocked to find deep scars all over my body.

"Whoa that doesn't look good"

"Well no shit Sherlock" I snapped back at her.

"Sorry, are you alright?"

"It doesn't matter"

I pull my sweater down and try to bear the pain.

I try not to think about Sans killing me over and over again. Those bones had pierced me painfully.

Chara had disappeared from my side by the time I had reached the door.

I went through to see the small patch of grass with a small golden flower.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower! Hmmm...You don't seem to be new to the Underground. Golly, you must feel right at home. I guess I don't have to show how things are done around here, right?"

I felt nervous as he talked, this was different dialogue then before.

I enter a fight with him.

"You know all about your soul, don'tcha? And you'd have to be an expert on LOVE at this point."

I was filled with guilt.

"Seeing as you killed everyone"

He immediately started to shoot at my soul with his white pellets. I dodge them fairly easily, but they start to come faster.

"IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!!" He shouted over and over again.


I was letting myself get hit now. Guilty tears had started to roll down my cheeks.

I was almost dead when a goat figure appeared. A fire ball blasted Flowey away and I was instantly healed.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor innocent youth. Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins."

I was so happy to see my goat-mum, but the vision of her dying kept playing across my mind. I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"My child, please stop crying. The creature is gone now, there is no reason to fear. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs"

I wiped my tears on my sweater and began to follow her. She took my hand in hers and proceeded to show me how to overcome the traps.

"Goodness me, you really put on a show didn't you. I one knew you wouldn't be able to handle the guilt" Chara had appeared beside me.

Chara was interesting. I'm the only on that can see her and the only one that can hear her. Sometimes she can interact with me, but it's rare. It's like she's another part of my mind. When I first fell down to the Underground she was laying in the garden of yellow flowers. When I tried to leave the room, she was began to follow. She was shy at first and rarely talked. She would only read out signs or say other obvious things. Eventually she opened up about her past and we sort of became friends.

But then I did the genocide run. I don't know whether she was just angry at me or if she went crazy seeing her family die, but she kept telling me to continue the run, even when I wanted to reset. I was just curious of what would happen if they died, and I realise now I was a horrible person. But Chara kept continuing the run. I could tell that by the end I was losing control of my body, she was becoming more powerful. Now she had no power over me, but when I had all that LOVE...

I shiver at the thought and Chara continues to talk.

"Do you think Mum would still care for you if she knew you killed her. Everyone's going to hate you"

Tears start to form in my eyes, but I refuse to cry in front of Toriel again. I gripped her hand tighter.

"Is something wrong my child?"

I look up at Toriel and shake my head and smile.

She smiled back at me.


A note from the Author,
Please comment if you actually like the story and want to read more.
Sincerely me!

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