Chapter Nineteen

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Warning: this chapter will be a bit short. Enjoy either way...

Merida rubbed her eyes as she walked out of her room, she cleared her eyes to see the decorations the vikings had made.

"What's going on?" She whispered to herself, she walked forward and dodged a large ball.
"Sorry" the person said and hurried off, hiccup approached her.

"Good morning milady"
"Hiccup...what's going on? Why are...."
"Oh this is just a general celebration...I've forgotten the name but it's a day we celebrate when the vikings and the dragons became one"

She looked around once again, the decorations were beautiful and dragon themed, these people really appreciated their dragons...too bad she'd have to annihilate them all in a few days time.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing, so when does the celebration start?"
"But what?"
"Everyone would have to dance" he smirked
"Well, I want you to dance with me" he said and smiled, she blushed as she remembered yesterday when he told her that he loved her. She smiled.

"Ah don't know how ta dance"
"Really? Alright I'll teach you"
"Yes, see you then milady" he bowed and walked away. She smiled.

"Isn't he charming?" A voice said and merida looked back.
"Astrid? Wha' are ye doing here?"
"Just being in a festive mood but I couldn't help but notice your uh...little conversation with hiccup"
"Oh...did ye?" Merida became nervous, she had somehow convinced Astrid that hiccup didn't like her but now, if she had heard what hiccup was calling her...

"Yep and did you notice he's been acting different?"

"Not really..okay bye" merida rushed towards her room and closed the door and sighed.

Later that night----

There was laughter in the air and merry making everywhere, merida felt so out place and awkward as she looked on as people stared at her. Someone then sat beside her.

"Good evening"
"You look beautiful"
"Thank don't know about this dance hiccup, people keep staring at mi and..."

He laughed "That's because you're the only person not celebrating, now come on, let's dance" he stood up and brought his hand out, smiling. She looked at it and smiled then took it and soon Hiccup pulled her to the center and twirled her.

She laughed as she played along and danced well. Soon, others came to came to join them, they just kept dancing enjoying themselves and laughing. The song became faster and the pair kept up with the beat, time has passed and the music stopped.
They looked at each other, smiling and panting.

"Wow" hiccup whispered
Merida smiled, he pulls her in and hugged her.
"I love you merida"
She smiled the frowned and pulled away slowly "Ah'm...sorry hiccup shouldn't" she said and he frowned.

"Why not?"

She looked at him, he noticed the genuine sadness in her eyes. She looked away and ran away to his utter surprise. What just happened?

Merida was crying as she ran to her room, she felt very bad but she had to do this...for her the queen. She ran to her room and closed the door behind her, she hugged her knees and cried.

"Mom" she whispered but she didn't know why, she remembered that her mom always made her feel better when she was sad. Why!? Why did she have to fall for him in the course of making him fall for her? She cried some more as she thought about it. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up in shock to see a smiling blonde.


A/N: Boom cliffhanger!, I know I rock😁. Well, see you all in the next chapter, please vote and see you all later😋✌

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