~Unexpected Visitor~

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Himiko and Kaede walked towards Shuichi's room together. As they opened the door, someone whom they weren't expecting to see came out of the door. 

Kaede: "Kokichi? What are doing in Shuichi's room?"

Kokichi: "Nyeeheehee...Hello Kaede, Himiko! I was just looking for something, and it seems that you just found it for me!" He said as he looked at the panta bottle in Kaede's hand.

Kaede: "Wait, is this-" Before Kaede had the chance to finish her sentence, Kokichi quickly snatched the panta bottle from Kaede and started chugging it down.

Kokichi: "Oh boy was I thirsty! Thanks for finding this for me Kaede!" Kokichi was about to run off but was interrupted by Kaede.

Kaede: "Kokichi wait! Did that drink belong to you?" She began to get slightly worried as she just realised what she'd done.

Kokichi: "Uh...yeah! Why?" Kokichi turned around to face Kaede in confusion.

Kaede: "Then...how come Shuichi had it?" She looked at Kokichi nervously as she waited for him to respond.

Kokichi: "Oh that! Nyehee, I was hanging out with Shuichi earlier today and I must've left my drink in his room. I just came back to get it but then I realised it wasn't there anymore!" He pouted as he drank more of the soda. "Mm, wow! This tastes a lot more sweeter than usual!"

Himiko: "Umm...I don't think you should be drinking that Kokichi..." She attempted to take the bottle from him but it was no use, he already finished drinking it.

Kokichi: "Weeeell... too bad Himiko! It's empty!" The small boy turned around and ran away.

Kaede: "Um, did the potion not work or..."

Himiko: "I guess it does take like 30 minutes for it to take effect... I'll try do something about it before then!" Kaede nodded and they both went on their own separate ways. "Crap...I gotta think of something quick..."


Kokichi's POV:

After that weird interaction with Kaede and Himiko, I hurried back to my room. I didn't feel well for some reason and I didn't want them to notice. I rushed over to my bed and practically collapsed onto it. Suddenly everything went black.

~25 minutes later~

Himiko's POV:

I had no idea how to fix this... I made a new potion but I'm not sure if it's gonna work. I was gonna head back to my room for something until I noticed that Kokichi's door was left open. I froze. "Maybe I should check on him real quick." I peaked my head through the door and noticed that Kokichi was on the floor unconscious. His blanket and pillows were on top of him too, I guess he fell off of his bed? I walked over to him, I should probably put him back on his bed. 

I lifted Kokichi up, struggling a little bit. "Nyeh... I wish I was stronger..." I then dropped him onto his bed and sat down beside him to take a moment to breathe. I suddenly heard some groaning. Oh gosh, he's waking up already...

"Ughh... what happened...?" The purple-haired boy looked up and locked eyes with me, I couldn't help but stare back. I then realised I was too late, he falls in love with the first person he sees after waking up...

"Ah! What am I gonna do now?" I yelled and forgot that Kokichi is sitting right next to me.

"What's wrong Himiko? Why are you yelling?" Kokichi wrapped his arms around me for a hug, which caught me off guard. 

"Nyeh... what are you doing?"

"I wanted to give you a hug! You also seemed distressed, nyeheehee..." Kokichi held me closer, his hug was surprisingly comforting. "You're sooo cute Himiko! I wanna hug you all day!" He then held onto me tighter, I thought he was never gonna let me go.

Eventually I managed to pull away. "Umm...  sorry, this is kinda awkward but I gotta go real quick. I actually need to see someone. I'll be back though!" I went for the door but I felt his hand grab my shoulder. 

"Wait! Let me come with you!" He looked like he was about to cry, usually that didn't surprise me since he fakes his tears a lot but it feels weird now because he looks so genuine. "I wanna spend more time with you Himiko! I feel tingly inside when I see your face!" He looked at me with those sparkling eyes, they just wouldn't let me say no.

"Okay fine, you can come with me. It kinda involves you anyway..." I guess this way I can keep an eye on him so he doesn't do anything weird. 

"Yippee! This is gonna be fun!" Kokichi held my hand as we left his room. 

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