~The Magic Act~

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Himiko's POV:

I gathered all of the equipment I needed for my little magic show for Kokichi. I had all sorts of stuff such as: a pencil, a couple of cups and a ball, a spoon, a magic hat, a stack of playing cards, coins and other stuff. So for the first trick, I took the pencil. It was just going to be a simple illusion.

"Alright, so my first trick is a very simple one... I'm going to make this normal pencil bend like rubber!" I pinched one end of the pencil and started moving it up and down at a certain speed to give off the illusion that it's bending like rubber. Kokichi's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Wow! That is sooo cooool!" He did his signature laugh and moved closer to me as he watched. "Nyeh...thanks! Anyone can do that trick, it's easy-peasy!" I said and Kokichi smiled. "I wanna see the next one!" He happily exclaimed as I prepared my next trick.

I took out a spoon and placed it on my little table. "So for this next trick, I'm gonna bend this spoon with little-to-no effort." Kokichi gasped in disbelief. "No way! You can do that!?" He said as his eyes widened. "Yeah, I sure can! Just watch!" I held onto the handle and pressed the end of the spoon on the table. The spoon looked like it was bending, Kokichi tilted his head in confusion. "Oh wow! You're so strong, Himiko!" He grinned cheerfully. "Wait, I'm not finished yet!" I took the spoon off the table and revealed it. The spoon turned back to normal. Kokichi was amazed. "Oh my goodness! How did you do that?" I smirked at him. "A magician never reveals their secrets! Nyeheheh..." Kokichi pouted and crossed his arms. "Awww... no fair, Himiko!" He whined but I ignored him while I was getting ready for the next trick.

I stepped up my game a little bit. I took out two cups and a ball. I placed the cups upside-down and next to each other and put the ball on top of one of them. "Now, for my next trick, I'm gonna make this ball appear underneath this cup! As you can see it's just a normal cup, there's nothing underneath it either." Kokichi nodded while paying close attention to the ball. I picked up the other cup and placed it on top of the cup with the ball on top. I took out my magic wand to tap the cup. "Okay, I'm gonna say the maaagic words to make this work, alright?" Kokichi nodded excitedly while paying close attention. "Now! Presto Magesto! I lift the cup up and boom! The ball is under the cup!" Kokichi made the biggest "o" expression I've ever seen, I chuckled to myself after seeing him do that. 

While Kokichi is still flabbergasted, I took out my stack of playing cards. "Okay, so I got a stack of magic cards. I'm gonna flick through them all while showing them to you, and you gotta tell me when to stop and memorise the card I stopped at. Kokichi nodded. "Okie dokie!" I flicked through all the cards until he told me to stop. I gave him a moment to memorise the card without me looking. "Okay, I've got it!" He said and I continued to flick though to the last card. "Alright, now I'm going to shuffle the deck, and when I take out a card at random...it should be your card!" Kokichi smiled and nodded. I shuffled through the cards and picked one out. "Is this your card? The King of Hearts?" I showed it to Kokichi  and his eyes widened. "Oumagod! It is!" Kokichi's eyes sparkled, he's really enjoying this. "Nyeh, I knew it would be! The King of Hearts suits you well!" I quickly covered my mouth... why did I say that?

~20 minutes later~

This magic show of mine went on a lot longer than I thought it would. I've got one more magic trick to go. "Alright Kokichi, are you ready for the trick of the night?" Kokichi was nodding his head excitedly. "Yes! Yes! I am sooo ready!" I took out my magic hat and got the set-up prepared. "Good! Cuz this is gonna be amazing. As you can see, I have my magic hat. You'll also notice that there's nothing inside it, see? Kokichi got a quick look inside the empty hat. "And now, with the magic words, presto majesto! There's a bunny rabbit in here!" Kokichi sat there in awe as he looked at the rabbit. "Wowie Himiko, that was amazing!" I took a little bow and he clapped happily. "Nyeh... that's all for tonight! Thank you, Kokichi!" The purple haired boy stood up and came over to me and gave me a hug. Of course... I blushed again. 

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