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Himiko's POV:

So I ended up walking with Kokichi to find Kaede. I had to tell her what had happened with him. I honestly didn't really mind him being this attached to me, it felt weirdly comforting, but I can't keep this a secret either.

We were looking for her for a while. She wasn't in her room so we ended up looking everywhere for her. I could just tell Tenko but I'm not prepared to tell her something like this, she'll definitely get mad.

Suddenly, Kokichi held onto my shoulder. "Boy, Kaede sure is good at hide and seek! I'm not sure we'll be able to find her!" He said with his signature laugh. I shook my head "*sigh*... this isn't supposed to be a game, Kokichi!" He ignored what I just said and hugged me. "Nyeehehee... is my little mage getting bored?" I felt my face heat up after he said that, I can't believe he actually said that. "His little mage?" Hiding the fact that I was blushing, I heard someone yelling at us down the hall.

"Ah! There you are Himiko! I've been looking all over for you!" Kaede ran over to me, a surprised look on her face overcame her. "Nyeh! That's what I was gonna say!" She then looked at Kokichi who was still clinging onto my shoulder. "Umm, I'm guessing the potion has already taken effect?" She smiled nervously as she looked back at me. "Yup... I'm not sure what I can do about it now..." Kokichi was too busy hugging my arm to pay attention to what we were saying.

"Will the potion not wear off?" Kaede said looking rather concerned. "It will do eventually, probably about a month maybe? But don't worry, I'm sure I'll be able to put up with him until then." Besides, he's not as annoying when he's like this. I could get used to it.

"Well, if you're okay with it, that's great! I was going to apologise to you for causing this mess actually..." Kaede looked away, feeling guilty. "No! It's not your fault! You wanted to help Shuichi right?"

"Right! I've been talking to him for a bit and he seems to be getting a little better." She smiled at me, I'm guessing that she was relieved that he seemed better. "By the way Kaede, can you keep this thing about Kokichi a secret? I'm kinda anxious about what the others will think if they find out!" Kaede nodded. "Sure thing Himiko! I can keep a secret!" Kaede walked off while waving back at me. Kokichi lifted his head back up, he looked a bit tired.

"Are you okay Kokichi? You look a little dazed." He pouted then looked at me. "I'm bored, Himiko! I wanna do something fun!" His eyes gleamed at mine, he's not thinking what I think he's thinking, is he?  "I wanna see your magic tricks! I've always wanted to see you do one in person!" I stood there surprised for a moment, no one's asked me to show off my magic before... well except Tenko I guess. "S-sure! I'd be happy too!" I held his hand and took him to my research lab all while trying to hide my face since I felt my face heat up again. 

After like, 15 minutes of walking we finally got to my research lab. Luckily no one saw us on the way. Kokichi sat down on one of the chairs and he patiently kept an eye on me while I was setting up my things.  

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