~All Nighter~

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Himiko's POV:

After my magic show for Kokichi we went to our separate dorms, as it was getting quite late. I made sure that Kokichi went back to his room first, given his condition. A few minutes later, Kokichi fell asleep and I returned to my room. I immediately changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. "Nyeh... finally, I can go to sleep..."


I suddenly felt a jolt in my sleep which kinda woke me up. I felt something sorta heavy and really warm on top of me. I slowly opened my eyes to only realise that Kokichi is laying on top of me, asleep. "Nyeh? Kokichi!" I yelled but to no avail, Kokichi was still asleep. Jeez, he's a heavy sleeper. I rolled Kokichi over to one side of the bed so that I wouldn't suffocate. Kokichi started mumbling but I couldn't understand what he said, I'm guessing he was just talking in his sleep. He then wrapped his arms around me which caught me by surprise, and pulled me towards him. I felt my face go red, but I was too tired to care. Kokichi was still sleeping pretty heavily, which surprised me considering how well he pulled me closer to him. 

Kokichi looked quite peaceful, I've never seen him look so calm before. Without realising it, I started fiddling with his hair. It was very soft and a bit thick, I couldn't stop stroking it. It felt so comfortable on my hands. A weird thought occurred to me, am I... attracted to him? I tried to shake the thought out of my head, I couldn't possibly like him that way, right? He wasn't someone I was particularly interested in before. So why am I now? It feels wrong since he's not really in his right mindset. I continued to ponder but suddenly, sleep was calling upon me. My head leant against Kokichi's chest as I drifted into sleep.


I woke up again, very early which is really unlike me. I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't, so I just stared up at the ceiling. Then I remembered that Kokichi is still sleeping next to me, curled in a ball. It never occurred to me until now but, how did Kokichi enter my room? I definitely locked my door before going to bed... nyeh whatever.

I picked up my DS that was on my bedside table and started playing a few games on it since I couldn't go to sleep. I think I played for a few hours until I fell asleep without realising it.








I slowly opened my eyes. I was greeted with Kokichi's gazing eyes. "Nyeh? Kokichi? What are doing?" He stared blankly for a second before replying. "Umm... I actually have no idea! Neeheehee... also how come I'm in your room? I don't remember coming in here." I tilted my head a little, but Kokichi interrupted before I could reply. "Oh by the way, I noticed your DS was on while you were asleep so I ended up playing on it for a while, neeheehee..." I got up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. "Nyeh... it's fine. Also, what time is it?" I asked as I went to my closet to take out my clothes. "Hmmm... like 8:00AM?" I nodded. "Okay, we should probably go get some breakfast then. I'll see you in the dining hall." Kokichi nodded as he went to the door. "Okie dokie!" The purple haired boy waved back at me as he left the room. I went ahead and put my clothes on.

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