~The Slumber Party~

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Himiko's POV:

So I've managed to make my way to the gaming room by 9:00 PM. Everyone else is already here and in their pajamas it seems. Of course, Tenko immediately spotted me as soon as I walked in.

"There you are, Himiko! You've arrived just in time!" Tenko cheerfully ran over to me.

"Nyeh... Of course I have! I'm more than happy to join a party that involves sleeping."

"Alright, virgins! Buckle the fuck up, cuz we're gonna party hard tonight!" Miu's voice echoed loudly throughout the room.

"But, what exactly are we doing?" Kaede asked a good question.

"Well, we can start off by watching movies! I'm up for watching Toy Story 3!"

"Really? I thought you wanted to watch anime?" Rantaro said.

"Yeah but, Toy Story 3 is the best movie and we all need to watch it right fucking now!"

"No it's not! Toy Story 1 is the best movie, that's a fact!" Kaito butted in.

"What? No, what the fuck? Toy Story 3 is way fucking better!"

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!"

"Guys! Can you please stop fighting? Especially over something so trivial!" Kaede yelled over the both of them. Kaito and Miu looking pretty dumbfounded.

"Since neither of you can decide, we'll just watch Toy Story 2!" Kaede suggested.

"But that's the worst one!" Both Miu and Kaito shouted.

"No, Toy Story 4 is the worst one!" Now Tsumugi started joining in.

"Why don't we all just do a vote?" Everyone looked over to Shuichi, whom was the one that came up with the suggestion.

"Everyone can put their votes into my hat, then the first one I'll pick out will be the one we'll watch! Does that sound fair?"

"That's a brilliant idea, Shuichi! I'd expect no less from my sidekick!"

"Ugh... Okay fine, Pooichi! But this better be worth it!"

So we all wrote down our votes on a piece of paper, folded them up and put them in Shuichi's hat. Shuichi then shook the hat up and down, then took a piece of paper out at random.

"Looks like it's... Toy Story 3"

"BOOYAH! Suck it nerds!" Miu's voice thundered throughout the room.

We then went into the movie room next door and watched Toy Story 3. We all shared snacks and sat in our blankets while we watched. Thankfully not many people talked over it. If the first movie was picked, Miu probably would've complained during the whole thing.

About an hour later, the movie had finished. It was actually pretty good.

"Well guys, it's 10:30PM now. What should we do next?" Rantaro asked.

"Let's play Smash Bros!" Kaito immediately responded.

"Sure, but which one?" Said Miu.

"I hope it's Melee" Said Tsumugi.

"Wait... there's different versions?" Kaito looked confused.

"Yes, there is! Now tell me. This is important, which one did you get?" Tsumugi started to look agitated.

"I dunno! The one on the switch?"

"Why didn't you get melee? That's the only good one!" Tsumugi started to get on everyone's nerves.

"I don't know what you're fucking talking about!"

*15 minutes later*

So after that whole ordeal with Tsumugi, we've finally played some smash brothers. We all took turns for each game, it was pretty fun! I was with Tenko, Angie and Kirumi. Meanwhile Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and Kaede were playing right now. Looks like Maki is winning.

"Hey, I just noticed... Kokichi isn't here. Anybody know where he is?" Rantaro asked, looking concerned.

"Hell if I know!" Kaito said, still focused on his game.

Of course, I knew where he was. But I'm not sure how to say it since I don't wanna cause a commotion. "Umm... I-" Before I could speak, Maki interrupted me.

"I saw him in the warehouse earlier today."

"The warehouse? What's he doing in there?" Kiibo asked.

"He said he wasn't feeling well. So he went there to get some painkillers... Of course, he could be lying about that... as he always does." Maki was still concentrating on the game as she talked.

"Still, we can't always assume everything he says is a lie. Maybe we should check on him just in case?" Kiibo was ready to head for the door.

"I could go check on him!" I suddenly blurted that out loud. Everyone was looking at me.

"Are you sure, Himiko? Kokichi can be a bit... weird, even dangerous." Kiibo questioned, I felt myself becoming more nervous.

"Of course she won't! Himiko wouldn't go anywhere near that degenerate male!" Of course, Tenko would object to me going.

"Don't worry about him Kiibo, I'm sure he's fine!" Kaito said with his signature grin.

Kokichi's POV:

I was getting really bored and tired. All I did for the rest of the day was staying in bed. I didn't want to go out looking weak and defenseless, it will definitely ruin my evil supreme leader reputation and everyone will make fun of me. I tried to go to sleep so I can get rid of this headache, but I couldn't. So then I tried thinking of ways to distract myself from my own anxiety, but all I can think about right now is her.

I then took out some pencils and paper. Usually at times like this, drawing is the best stress-reliever. I started drawing. All I can think about is Himiko so I ended up drawing her... all over the paper. I felt my face heat up as I continued to draw, but my mind already felt so much better. I then drew me and Himiko holding hands, and from then on I couldn't stop.

*1 Hour Later*

I kept drawing until my hand started to hurt, so I had to force myself to stop. I didn't realise how much I drew until I saw all of the papers scattered all over the table. I neatly organised them into a pile on the desk so that i don't lose them. I want to show them to Himiko later.

After that I realised my headache is now gone and my mind is finally at ease for the time being. So now that I don't look like a pathetic little child, I can confidently leave my room and get something to eat while I'm at it. I left my room and headed to the dining hall. Since I've stayed in my room for a while I didn't realise it was so late, I think it's midnight now. No one else seemed to be around either, I felt kinda lonely. So once I got to the kitchen, I grabbed some cookies and some bottles of panta and went straight back to my room. I didn't want to walk around in the dark, it scares me when I'm by myself.

When I got back to my dorm, I laid down on my bed and grabbed my switch to play minecraft. I just kept playing while eating cookies until I felt tired. I didn't really know what to build so I just made pixel art of Himiko. After another hour or so I started to feel sleepy, so I carefully put the switch on top of the counter next to me and fell asleep underneath my blankies.

I was excited to wake up the next morning so I can see Himiko again.

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