~Staying Up Late~

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Himiko's POV:

It was getting really late, I'd say it was around 2am. Everyone was trying really hard to stay awake. We made it a little competition, whoever stays awake the longest gets to be in charge all day tomorrow. So, of course we all wanted that position. I didn't really care, I just wanted to see who falls asleep first. The first person who did fall asleep was Ryoma, which I understand since he's used to being in prison. Then Gonta fell asleep soon after. After him was Kiibo.

"Ha! You degenerates can't even stay awake for this long? This is why girls are much stronger than men!"

"That doesn't mean anything, Tenko! It is vitally important to get regular sleep!" Kaede informed us.

"No! Sleep is for the weak! I will not lose to some.... men!!" Tenko said as she started to look drowsy.

"Tenko! If you need to sleep, then go to sleep!!" Kaede started to raise her voice as she became quite annoyed.

"I'm not... tired... I will... pull... an all nighter.... if I have to... *yawn*" And at that point, Tenko fell asleep.

"Wow... she gave in fast..." Shuichi stated.

"Finally... we can have some peace and quiet..." Said Kiyo, who looked restless.

"Oh my fucking God! I have the perfect idea!!! Let's all have a pillow fight bitches!!" Miu suddenly yelled at the top of her lungs.

"...or not..." Kiyo looked so disappointed.

Miu grabbed a bunch of pillows and jumped at us before anyone had the chance to defend themselves. Moments later, the room has turned into a hurricane of pillows. Everyone was either screaming out of excitement or screaming in fear. After about 30 minutes, everyone became more tired than they were before. The people who were the most tired fell asleep, and those people were Tsumugi, Kiyo and surprisingly Miu.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna draw a dick on Miu's face!" Kaito randomly pulled a permanent marker out of his pocket and started drawing on her face.

"Wow, real mature of you Kaito... You're starting to act like Kokichi..." Maki said as her eyes glowed a dark shade of red.

"Aw... c'mon Maki Roll, it'll be funny!" Maki snatched the marker from Kaito while he was in the middle of drawing, which left a long line on Miu's face. That line made the drawing worse than it was because now it just looks like the penis was peeing.

"Maki Rollll- now look what you made me do! Miu's gonna kill me tomorrow!"

"Well it was your stupid idea..."

Kaito quickly ran to the bathroom and got a bunch of wet toilet paper to wash Miu's face.

"Shit! It's not coming off!!" Kaito panicked as he scrubbed harder and harder.

"Well, you did use a permanent marker.." Kaede said, feeling sorry for his stupidity.

"Don't scrub too hard! You're going to leave a rash on her face, as well as waking her up." Kirumi became concerned.

"Wet toilet paper won't work. It will just stick to her face and mouth which will make her suffocate."


"Just leave her alone for now and I'll sort it out tomorrow." Kirumi kindly offered as she went to sleep.

"So uh... Is Angie asleep too or..?" Rantaro asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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