Chapter 1

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Mei's POV

I hummed peacefully along with my favorite song that was playing in my earbuds. It was around 12:30 at night and I was up in the kitchen because I couldn't fall asleep, but that wasn't unusual. I was making my favorite midnight snack, vanilla fruit parfait! After I sprinkled some granola onto the top of my snack, I spun over to get a spoon, and spun back.

I scooped a bite out with some of everything and popped it into my mouth, sighing in delight. Tikki, my little red kwami, sat on the counter next to me, happily enjoying one of my homemade chocolate chip cookies. My long midnight blue hair was tied into a braid, but the end still reached my mid thigh, and it swung back and forth as I swayed with my music.

Tomorrow I had a rather busy schedule, as per usual - I would wake up, have breakfast, and then have a photo shoot, meeting with my parents, English class, track, swimming, lunch, followed by voice lessons, a royal meeting with our staff, Polish classes, dance, dinner, then sleep, since it was a Saturday, I didn't have school.

Third Person POV

Sabine glanced around contentedly, she was taking a nice midnight stroll through the enchanted garden in the beautiful moonlight. It was warm and peaceful, the only sounds that could be heard was the stream trickling nearby, and the crickets chirping. This was her routine every night, hoping he would notice and join her.

It seemed like today was her lucky night.

"Sabine." A male voice called out, it wasn't quite a shout, but anyone could hear the rage dripping from it. The queen spun around gracefully, a smile on her face, oh how she missed his voice. Her gray eyes were met with a fuming army general, about 20 years old, with a cheetah kwami sticking out his coat pocket.

"My dear Marin!" She exclaimed, "Look how you've grown!"
"Do not call me that!" He snarled, "You lost that privilege when you sent me away to that insane asylum!" Sabine winced at his harsh words, but sighed, she deserved that.

"I never wanted that, nor did I do it. But you know why that happened. You nearly killed us, Mei, your father, me, and everyone else in that car." She reasoned.
"That wasn't my fault and you know it." He growled, turning away and walking forward.

"I do, mon chéri. That's why I tried to keep you here to heal you. But, in order for you to do it, you had to be tempted. That tumor took your self control, it didn't put thoughts into your head."

6 years ago, when Marin was 14 years old, he developed a tumor that released toxins into his body, slowly killing him. Little did they know, it removed any self control he had, any thought, good or bad, big or small, was uncontrollable, and he couldn't stop himself.

After a while he got fed up, and an idea popped into his head. He was only slightly angry, but he cut the brakes of the royal limousine anyway, because he felt for a split second his parents weren't helping him get better.

"'Mon chéri'?! No, you sent me away to rot in that cell! Took me away from everyone I loved!" Marin yelled and spun around, tears prickling the edges of his eyes.

"I swear, it wasn't me. I've walked out in this garden at 12:00 every night, just so you'd see me, and come talk, scream. Even just a look at you would be enough. I wanted to explain, talk to you, like we did when you were little." Sabine reminisced.

"If it wasn't you, who was it?" Marin demanded. "Who sent me away for 6 years?!" His mother swallowed hard before looking down,
"Your grandparents. When your father, sister, and I were in the hospital, they admitted you into the asylum. Your father and I never wanted that for you. We were going to search the ends of the earth or a cure, and we searched for you for so long. That's why you moved so often. We didn't know what your grandparents had done for a long time. When you were relocated in the states, we...stopped the search."

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