Chapter 4

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Mei's POV

"Well, you know Dion." Li began, receiving nods from the helicopter. My eyes threatened to fill with tears but I rapidly blinked them away.
He isn't worth your tears.
Something shifting in my pocket reminded me about Tikki, so I peeked in and smiled at her sadly. Her indigo eyes looked up at me weakly and I gently pulled her out and cradled her in my hands.

With a sigh I glanced around for something she could eat. I twisted in my chair to look over at Wang. I got up and sat in the co-pilot's seat and smiled at him. Ling, our usual pilot, had a real sweet tooth.

I placed Tikki on my lap and opened the glove compartment. There were a few hard candies, which Tiki couldn't eat, but there was also a granola bar with pieces of chocolate and marshmallow sitting in there as well.
That'll do.
I thought, relieved, pulling it out and tearing it open.

I took a small piece off and handed it to her. Tikki smiled and said something but it was lost in the sounds of the helicopter.

"His father is leading the rebellion. They're trying to assassinate you all, get Mei and Dion to marry, and then probably kill her as well." I winced at the memory, glancing at my burned wrist. Dion and I had been dating for 2 years now, and I loved him, I really did, do. I hate to admit it, but I still do.

"When we were running away, he grabbed Mei and put this wristband on her. It disabled her powers and dropped her transformation with some sort of electrical shock, that's why the burns are there." Li finished.

They continued taking about what happened, but I decided to tune them out. I turned my focus back to nursing Tikki back to health, barely, my mind was under so much stress I was hardly able to think too much at a time. The quim should allow me to go the whole trip though, hopefully.

Wang interrupted their worried conversation,
"Everyone, let's go over the conditions we will be under when we arrive." They all silenced. "This flight will be about 2 hours long if we fly right through, maybe more depending on how fast I can fly the helicopter. Do you think you can handle it Mei?"

I didn't comprehend what he was saying, zoned out on Tikki.
"Mei?" I shook my head,
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"Will you be able to keep the helicopter concealed for 2 hours, perhaps longer?"
"O-Oh, of course. Yes."

"Perfect. Once we get there, Lihua and Hai, you will be living in a comfortable quaint cottage on the outskirts of Paris, though not to far away from where, Tom, Sabine, Li, and Mei will be running a bakery. The bakery is close to the school you two will attend. Li, you will be posing as a family friend who is staying with them because your parents are overseas. Mei, Tom, and Sabine, you will be parents and child."

"Alright." My mother said.
"We will all use cover names and stories for an undetermined amount of time. My name will be Louis Durand, Sabine's brother, living by myself close by. What will be your names?" Wang, or Uncle Louis, asked.

"You are not to use your true names ever." I sighed, I didn't want to change my identity, but it made perfect sense. We fell silent as we thought about our names, when the perfect one popped into my head out of nowhere.

"Marinette. Can my name be Marinette?" Nobody spoke for a moment,
"O-Of course, where did that come from, dear?" My mother asked slowly,
"I'm not sure, I heard the General call me that earlier and I though it sounded pretty." I shrugged.

"O-Ok. Well, I'll be Louise."
"My name will be Juliette." My grandmother said hesitantly. My father cleared his throat,

"Mine will be Victor."
"My name will be Leo." My grandfather said.
"Li?" I asked, looking behind me.
"My name will be...Felix." I snorted,
"Felix?" He gasped offendedly,
"Yes, Felix. I'll have you know it is a very nice name!" He exclaimed,
"Yeah, sure," I giggled, "Not as nice as Marinette."
"Well, everyone, your last name will be Dubois. Except for you Li, your last name will be Dior."
"Ok." Li replied.

Wang went on to continue explaining our backstory and what life would be like, though I'm not sure when he came up with it. I looked down at Tikki who had eaten half the granola bar and tapped Felix on the shoulder.

He turned to look at me, a playful scowl on his face. I rolled my eyes and held it out to him. "Truce?" I mouthed to him. He squinted him eyes, pretending to think about it before grabbing the bar and grinning, "I guess" He mouthed back.

I turned back around to find Tikki sleeping peacefully in my lap. I smiled at her fondly and leaned my head back, Wang's voice fading out as I fell into a light sleep, careful not to let my powers turn off.

Adrien's POV

"Oh, Adrikins! Thank you so so much!" Chloe exclaimed happily, pouncing on me and planting a kiss on my lips. It would now be our two year anniversary, and I had just given her a diamond necklace after we'd finished our dinner. It was a warm, sunny afternoon, and I smiled at her.

Her phone rang and she gave me an apologetic smile before picking it up immediately.
"Yes? Ugh, ok, fine." Chloe told whoever was on the other line and hung up. "Sorry, Adrien. My Daddy wants me home now." She gave me another kiss and ran off to her limo, "Bye bye! I'll see you tomorrow!" She called out, closing the door behind her as the car sped away.

"Bye, Chlo." I sighed, waving. We had begun dating after she asked me out in front of the whole class, so I couldn't say no to her. But, the more we spent time together and hung out, the more I grew to like her. Even if she was mean to the other kids at school, she was always sweet and kind to me, more or less. She's so determined, and when she wants something, she goes and gets it.

We were always close childhood friends. Especially during the few years after my mother passed away due to cancer, and my father shut himself out from the world, including me. I was 7 when she went, and those were the loneliest years of my life, but Chloe made it tolerable.

Luckily, Nathalie, my father's assistant, and now his wife, was able to bring him back out into the world. He apologized to me and we rebuilt our relationship, as a new family, but we never forgot my mom. I went to public school when I turned 10, where I finally got to meet and interact with other people more.

I pulled out my phone to text Nino, there was still a good few hours of daylight left.


You free today?


After a few minutes he replied,


Actually I'm out with Alya
Wanna get ice cream with us?

Thanks Nino 😆

Hold up
Isn't it your anniversary with Chloe today?

I'm surprised you remembered
She had to leave just now

Only because u blew us off to hang out with her yesterday 🙄

Sorry! 😅

Whatever 🤷🏾‍♂️
Meet us at Andre's - location link -


Nino and Alya, along with the rest of the class, always hated the idea of me dating Chloe, and Chloe in general. They both hated her guts and tried to break us up, but when they began dating last year, they stopped trying. Chloe was never very fond of them either.

I clicked on the link to Andre's ever moving ice cream cart, and started off.

Yay! Another update!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I don't really have much else to say? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Thank you for reading! ~ Ally

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