Chapter 9

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{Martinus Pov}

1 week missing
I haven't gone out in public in a long time cause I was told not too. I would possibly be mistaken for Marcus but Im finally able too. They put it on the news that i'd be wearing red and a hat that was given to me by cops so they know i'm not Marcus and they gave me an ID. Honestly they've stopped looking for him. People say his body is down by the river.

Im going to Starbucks today with Jay. In hope of making him feel better. I walked to his house and knocked on his door. He opens the door. "Hi" I say with a light smile. "Hi" he smiles back. "IM LEAVING, BYE MOM LOVE YOU" He closes the door and we walk to starbucks.

Me and Jay are walking and he is catching me up about what we have been doing in school. "MARCUS?" I look behind me. This was the 10th time and I got mistaken for Marcus. I wouldn't be surprised have called the cops.

We head into Starbucks and I order a Strawberry Lemonade and Jay orders a Mocha. "So how have you been doing" I ask him. "Ok. I miss him. A lot." I can tell he wanted to cry. I smile lightly. "I know." and I take a drink from my Lemonade. "Martinus" the barista called me. It was Jay's drink. "I'll go get it." Jay goes a grabs it. I just go on my phone. "The lady working there said to give this to you" I look to see who it was. I couldn't tell. I assume it's her number or snap or asking if i'm Marcus.

I know you wanna see Marcus before you do anything, don't tell Jay about this or anyone. If you really wanna see him. Come to the address below tomorrow @8 pm. Someone will be there to meet you, leave your phone at home and come alone or you won't see him again.
Love, Your Mom.
some random addy 29903

My heart dropped.

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