Chapter 8 - Running Out Of Time

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-This chapter is a bit longer and I didn't have any time to edit it, sorry if it seems super sloppy lmao-

You and your brother both fell to the ground with a grunt, unfusing with a sharp, stabbing pain shooting through you as you looked up at Spinel. She frantically looked you up and down, face riddled with a mixture of different emotions. Pain, fear, realization, and agony written clearly across her face, soon springing into anger. Tears began to spill out of her eyes, sharply turning her head and disappearing into the crowd. 

You turned your attention to your brother, eyes widening as you saw the state he was in. He was drenched in sweat, arms struggling to hold himself up. Large bags formed under his eyes, stray strands of hair springing up. "S-Steven, you okay?" You muttered, struggling to hold yourself up. "Spinel... She needs to remember how to turn off her- ugh!" He fell back down, collapsing onto the floor in an exhausted mess.

"Steven! Y/N!" Amethyst and Pearl exclaimed in worry, approaching to help you two up. Steven quickly shooed them off, lifting himself off the ground. "Don't worry about us. It's Spinel," You coughed, wearily pulling yourself up. "I need her to remember how to stop her injector. Ugh..." He fell backward into your arms, quickly regaining his composure. "Pearl... What do you know about her...?" Pearl prefaced with a heavy, sad sigh. "Spinel was Pink Diamond's little playmate! They used to spend ages together in pink's garden-"

"Garden?" You both explained, cutting her off.

"That's where they used to play!" Amethyst scoffed, her tone more annoyed than worried, "Then what's her problem with us?" 

 "I don't know, I haven't seen her in 6000 years!"

"That's what I need to find out," Steven grunted. You nodded.

"Will you two be okay?"

"It looks like that fusion took everything out of you both!"

"I have to do what I can with the little I ha-"

You cut him off, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No. You're staying here, Steven. I'm going after her. I'm the closest to her."

Steven shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head.


"No. Don't argue with me, you have to stay here and rest. You're my little brother, I'm not just going to send you out into danger like that. Someone needs to fix what our Mom did," You mounted Lion, quickly riding through the crowd. You heard your brother and the gems faintly call your name, but you drowned them out. 


You carefully approached the pink gem, being careful with your choice of words. Eyes filled with concern, you whispered,

"Spinel? What's wrong...?"

She paused for a few beats, then turned to meet your gaze. Her eyes were filled with tears, flowing like waterfalls down her cheeks. Your eyebrows furrowed in worry and confusion as you slowly approached her, putting a hand on her back.

"Spins, I'm here. Please, don't cry... tell me what's wrong."

She became slightly less tense at the sound of your soothing voice, tears still streaming down her face.

"I just... started getting these feelings flooding back to me..."

"That- that's good. I need you to remember. Please, think... do you remember the garden?"

"The garden...?"

Her pink lips curved upwards into a tight smile before her expression flipped in the blink of an eye. She slammed her fists onto the warp pad, growling an aggressive,


"Spinel, where are we going?"

"Back. To where I never left."

You regained your balance, slightly dizzy from using the warp. Spinel's eyes shot around desperately as if she was looking for something. She let out a soft gasp as she ran towards the center of the garden.

"Spinel, wait!"

She smiled brightly as she began to reminisce about the garden, hands interlocking.

"This was our garden... a special world, but just for Pink and I,"

You listened intently, nodding between her sentences.

"On homeworld, Pink was so lonely and sad, but not here...! Here, we would play, for hours. Every day was so much fun. Or, at least, that's what I thought..." A hint of remembrance glistened in her magenta eyes.

"Did something happen?"

"...Pink wanted a colony. More than anything. Finally, her wish came true! Blue and Yellow gave her her very own planet...! I was so excited. A brand new place to play..."

"Why didn't you go with her...?"

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