Chapter 13 - Not Good At All

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-Change Time Skip-

Steven shields you slightly behind him, eyes narrowing at the pink gem.

"All of that's stuff's easy for you to say. When you change, you change for the better. When I change, I change for the worse!"

She takes a messy swing at you two, eyes filled with bitterness. Her impact against his shield is weak and distressed, evidently doing nothing, but she continues to hammer her fists against his shield.

"I used to be not good enough, just not good enough for Pink, but now... now... I'm not good at all!"

Her voice breaks with grief, as you notice the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She falls to her knees with pitiful laughter, leaning against Steven's shield. You and your brother exchange a dismayed look. He offers you a single raised eyebrow.

"That's funny, right...? At least you found me entertaining... you actually liked me... didn't you?"

You sit in shock, mouth slightly agape at her quick change of emotion. You take a moment to process her words, but your eyebrows furrow slightly as you realize that she was referring to you.

"What am I doing? Why do I wanna hurt you so bad? I'm supposed to be a friend... I just want to be your friend."

She lifts her head to reveal tears flowing heavily down her cheeks, face twisted in anguish.

"Steven, drop the shield."

He pauses for a moment, before glancing to Spinel, then back at you. 


"Drop it."

He reluctantly obliges, dropping his shield, arms crossed in defensiveness. You offer him a single nod, before turning to Spinel. You hesitantly lift your hand to her face, cupping her cheek with your hand, feeling her cold skin against yours. Her cheeks flush dark pink, glancing at your hand as to avoid eye contact. You bite your bottom lip in contemplation.

"Spinel, look at me."

She hesitates for a few beats before meeting your gaze, her cheeks instantly flushing an even darker magenta. She takes your free hand in hers, interlocking your fingers. You wipe a few tears from her bright pink eyes with your thumb, giving her a weak, sincere smile. She does the same. You break eye contact for a split of a second before, without warning, throwing her arms around her waist. You feel her go completely still for a moment before returning the hug, wrapping her arms loosely around your neck. You were surprised to find that she'd returned the hug but only held her tighter in response. "I needed this..." She mumbles, burying her face into the crook of your neck. "I know," You mutter. She smells faintly of hibiscus flowers, and, as you dig your face into her soft hair, you never want this moment to end. 

"Uh... guys?"

You almost jump back, realizing Steven is still there. Your cheeks burn bright red as you two instantly pull away, almost in sync. He scratches the back of his neck uncomfortably, fiddling with the collar of his jacket.

"I don't wanna interrupt anything-"

"You already have..." You mumble quietly in annoyance.

Steven sighs apologetically, "I think we should get off this thing."

You nod subtly, "Right..."

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