Chapter 10 - Found

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You squeezed your hand just a bit tighter around Spinel's. You watched as she winced from the sudden contact, but didn't pull away.




You'll love again,

You just need to find someone,"

She averted your gaze, breaking eye contact with you. You began to pull her up to her feet, taking her other hand in yours. Her magenta orbs met with your own.




I/You'll love again,

I/You just need to find someone,

Someone who treats you/me better,

Someone who wants you/me around,




You/I'm gonna feel found,"

You hesitantly released your hands from hers, walking towards the exit, smiling and waving her over. A crooked smile formed on her face, tears falling down her cheeks.


Right here,

Right now,

I already feel found..."


"Uh... Y/N...?"


She gripped your hand just a bit tighter, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"Won't they all be... not exactly thrilled to see me... like this?"

You flashed her a convincing smile.

"We just have to talk to them, Spins."

Her face went red at your unintentional nickname for her. It took you a couple of seconds to process what you'd said, but you placed a hand over your mouth in embarrassment once you realized the stupid nickname you'd just gave her.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to-"

For the first time in a while, she gave you a genuine, flustered smile.

"That's fine... I don't mind nicknames, doll."

A stupid grin crept up your face as you both stood there, blushing, stuttering messes. As you finally began to process what was happening, you instantly felt like punching yourself. No. No fucking way. This gem was just trying to kill you hours ago. There's nothing between you two. Never. 

"Uh... Y/N? You gonna... talk to them?"

You were snapped out of your daze by Spinel's voice, still a red mess as she sheepishly, softly tugged on her hair.

"Right. Wait here,"

You walked down the stairs, spotting Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven.

"Guys! Guess who's back,"

You waved her down as she slowly stepped down the stairs, interlocking her fingers with yours. The gems drew their weapons defensively, Steven summoning his shield. "Oh! Spinel! Did you change your hair?" Garnet exclaimed voice laced with naivete. Spinel let out a small yelp and sheltered herself behind you.

"Guys, Spinel's back, but she's not going to hurt anyone. Everything's chill."

The tension in the air released as they dropped their weapons. Connie rode in on Lion, jumping off him and raising her sword skillfully.

"I'm here! Where's the fight?"

"There's no fight! Everything's chill," You stammered, gesturing for everyone to calm down. The thick silence still hung in the air, lasting for a beat too long. You all turned your attention to Greg, who'd just walked out of the bathroom. They drew their weapons, pointing them at him as he winced,

"Alright, alright, I'll wash my hands!"

Found Someone (Spinel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now