Chapter 17 - Not Enough

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"Ugh," She runs a hand through her hair in embarrassment, "That came out wrong. Sorry, I was just... curious."

"It's okay. I guess I have had feelings for a human."

Her expression is unreadable, as she mumbles a simple, "Hm." She abruptly stands up, extending a hand and meeting her eyes with yours. Her eyes are illuminated by the night sky, wind sifting through her pink pigtails.

"Come dance with me, doll." You're left speechless, staring at her hand, completely dumbfounded. You reluctantly placed your palm in hers as she pulled up, skillfully placing a hand on your lower back. She spun you around a few times before catching you in her arms again, pulling you close to her chest.

"Where'd you learn to dance like this?"

"Oh, ya know..." She pauses. "Pink taught me."

A small, barely noticeable drop of water falls on your cheek and seeks into your skin, followed by another. She immediately releases you, crossing her arms and looking away.


"I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what...?"

"...Nothin'. Let's get ya out of the rain." You'd realized that it had practically started pouring around you two as she takes your hand, leading you two back into your house.

"...What was that about?" You ask, microwaving leftover pizza and turning to Spinel. 

"What was what about?"

"The "feelings for humans" thing." 

"Well, I was talkin' to Steven, and... he was just tellin' me about him 'n Connie. Human stuff, ya know?"

You snicker quietly. "Those two are so into each other, it's almost gross,"

A smile tugs at the sides of her lips, a dark pink blush spreading across her face. "Yeah. I guess ya could say that."

The rain pats against the window steadily as you sit on your bed, awkwardly fumbling with your hands. Spinel sits next to you, completely silent, her chin resting on her palm.

"Alright, what's up?"

She's snapped out of her daze, turning to you and lifting a brow, suprised.


"You've been... really wierd."

"I'm sorry."

"That's fine, I just wanna know what's going on."

"I..." She breaks eye contact with you, working out what to say. "I know you're nothin' like Pink, but... it's hard... not to worry."

"Spinel, I would never-"

"I know. I know you're not like that, but sometimes I just get the feeling that I wouldn't be enough for you. If Pink didn't like me, then there must be something wrong with me. Something that would make someone abandon me again." She quickly wipes away a tear, tying to cover her face from you in embarassment.

"Look at me." Her harsh pink eyes meet with yours, and immedently soften. You cup her face in your hands and wipe away a tear.

"I'll never abandon you." There's a few pauses of silence, but it's the comfortable type. Your faces inch just the slightest bit closer. You break the silence, a blushing mess.

"Somehow, this situation feels very familiar."

Her gloved hand meets yours, still resting on her cheeks. She smiles genuinly, her face stained with a dark pink, splotchy blush.

"Doesn't it?"

"Are we okay? You and me?"

"...Yeah. I think we're okay, doll." She plants a soft, quick kiss to your cheek, immediently retracting and burying her face in her hair, falling into a puddle on the floor. You place your hand on yoru cheek where her lips just were, smiling like an idiot.

"W-What was that for?"

"Ya know..." She mumbles through her hair, "I just... I've been wantin' to do that for... a while..." She's still pulling her pigtails over her face, and you can see the blush through her hair. "Uh.. I'm gonna go sleep on the couch goodnight Y/N!" She quickly sputters, stumbling out the door in an embarassed daze.

"Wait!" She snaps her head back to you, meeting your gaze and biting her bottom lip. You pat the space next to you in your bed. She climbs in next to you as you offer her the blanket. "Nah, I don't need it. I've got your hoodie," She chuckles, sending a blush to your face. "You look better in that than I do. You should keep it," You suggest, staring at the ceiling. She snuggles up next to you as you turn off the lamp, leaving you two in pitch darkness. "Y/N, you should use the blanket," She offers. "I'm fine," You mumble, shivering. "You're freezing, love." You raise an eyebrow. "Love? That's a new one," You smile, hoping she can't see your bright red, blushing face. "What can I say? I'm full of suprises," She wraps her arms around your waist several times as you wrap her hands around her smaller waist. You rest your forehead against her gem as she plants a kiss to your hair, the two of you falling asleep with arms around eachother.

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