Chapter 2

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Lafayette's POV

Laf had to wear sunglasses so his black eye wouldn't show. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing though.
He met John and Hercules at the gates of the school. "Hey gays."
John rolled his eyes. "Did you mean guys?" Laf shook his head. "Nope." "Gil, I'm not gay and you know it." Herc said. Laf chuckled. "Right, sorry about that. I'll tell it to your boyfriend." "I have a fricking girlfriend, you prick."
Laf and John laughed. "Oh how could we forget." Laf said, sliding his sunglasses down and wiggling his eyebrows. Herc huffed, looking away.
Laf put his arm on John's shoulders. "Hey, don't be like that." John leaned on Laf. "Yeah, it's all just some fun." Herc smiled. "I know I know. It was actually quite funny-"
Alexander ran into him. "Guess who got laiiiiid." He asked, fixing his glasses.
"Oooh, when and with who?" Herc asked hitting Alexander's arm.
"Last night and with Eliza." Alexander said proudly.
Lafayette chuckled but noticed John tearing up. "Hey, what's wrong?"
John wiped his tears. "N-nothing.."
"Wanna talk?" Laf asked, softening his tone.
John shook his head.
"Talking about what's on your mind will make you feel better."
John stayed quiet for a moment but sighed. "M-my mom almost found out I cut last night.." He whispered.
Laf was shocked. Only he knew about the cutting, not even Alexander knew. "How?"
"I came home late and my mom came to ask where I was and I was hinding my arms because I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and my mom asked if I was hiding something so I promised her I didn't hide anything.." John broke down in tears.
Alexander and Hercules noticed it and came over. "What's wrong?" They asked at the same time.
"A-Alex, H-Herc..I'm sorry.." John said, crying and hugged them.
They looked at John, confused. "Why are you sorry..?" Herc asked.
"I-I cut..o-only s-sometimes.." John grabbed on their shirts tightly.
Laf felt his heart drop. *John doesn't deserve this..*
Alexander hugged John with one arm. "It's gonna be ok..don't cry.."
"B-but I-I w-want to..i-it's the o-only t-thing I c-can d-do.." John cried more.
Herc pulled him a tight hug. "Why are you crying, John? Is it because Lee?"
John nodded.
Herc kept him close. "I will kill him if you want me to." He half joked.
"I would love to help you." Laf said, stroking John's hair. John smiled slightly. "Thanks g-guys, b-but you really d-don't need to w-worry."
Laf pulled John away from Herc and ruffled his hair. "Yes we do, my dear boy. You're like a brother to us and we want to help you."
John looked down. "That could r-ruin H-Herc's r-reputation.."
"I don't care about my 'reputation', it just means I get invites to parties every now and then. And people don't gag when they see me." Herc huffed.
Laf rolled his eyes. "That was offensive. Towards us." He said pointing at himself and John.
Before Herc said something, the bells rang. They went inside and to their classes.
Laf had english. He sat in the back of the room. When he got to his place, there was a note on his chair. He picked it up read it. "Why don't you go and die with your crybaby boyfriend." He growled and ripped the note."
James Madison and Thomas Jefferson gave him weird looks.
Thomas and Laf used to be somewhat friends but differences made them move away from each other.
"Mrs Jones, Gilbert is ripping up his english assignment!" Thomas announced.
Mrs Jones walked up to Laf. "What was that paper?"
Laf sat down on his chair. "It was a note someone had left on my chair. It said some rude stuff."
"What did it say then?"
Laf told the teacher what the note said and the teacher just shrugged. "Don't care about the bullies. They just want attention, so if you don't give it to them, they'll stop." He went back in front of the class. "Now, get your assignments out!"
Laf felt numb. *Mr Jones..didn't believe me..* He pulled the assignment out of his backpack. He stared at it. Then he sighed. *Whatever..I need to be strong..for John.."
After he gave the paper to the teacher, Thomas smirked at him. "So how's John?"
"Why do you want to know?" Laf narrowed his eyes.
"A little bird told me he cuts."
Laf growled and grabbed Thomas' shirt. "Who told you?"
"Lee." Thomas said calmly.
"That mother-"
Mr Jones came up to them. "Mr Lafayette. Out. Now."
"But I didn't do any-"
"You were interrupting the class. Now go to the hallway to calm down."
Laf nodded, feeling defeated. He walked out of the class and leaned on a wall. It was quiet. Only the ticking of the clocks hollowed in the hallway. He pulled out a pack of gum and started chewing the gum.
He saw a teacher walking towards him. She stopped in front of him. "So what are you doing here? And are you chewing gum?"
Laf shook his head. "No I'm not and my teacher kicked me out of the class."
"There's a trash can so you can spit the gum in there and do you have a hall pass?"
He spit the gum in the trash and shook his head again. "He's gonna call me back in soon."
The teacher nodded. "Alright then." She contuned her walk.
Mr Jones called Laf back inside. "Have you calmed down now?" Laf nodded and walked back to his seat, keeping his head low.
Eliza, who sat next to him, kept glancing at him. "Are you ok?" She whispered.
Laf blinked at her. "I'm fine."
"Just know that not everyone here hates you." Eliza leaned closer. "I don't hate you. Or John."
"Uh ok? I don't really care but-"
"There's a rumor going around about you and John planning to hurt Lee! That's why people are giving you looks!" Eliza hissed.
Laf raised his eyebrows. "Well that makes no sense! Where did that rumor even start from?"
"I don't know..And I shouldn't be telling you this anyways.." She looked away.
Everything she had told, was swirling around Laf's head. He needed to stop the rumor. Next thing he knew was that he was in the school's bathroom, calming John down.

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