Chapter 5 (slight smut warning)

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John's POV

"Lee is having a Halloween party tonight and I came to ask you if you wanted to come." Alexander asked with his arms crossed.
John looked up at him. He was laying on his bed with his face buried in the pillow. "I mean why not." He said and lowered his gaze again. "I heard you and Gil got into a fight the other day."
Alexander bit his lip and looked away. "Um yeah..who told you?"
"Herc. Did you really mean everything you said about me?"
"Uhh...yeah..I'm sorry, I was just jealous.."
John sat up and stared at Alexander with a blank expression. "Sorry doesn't fix the friendship you broke with Gil."
Alexander slightly bit his lip some more and looked down. "I know, but I also know that Laf will be at the party so there might be a chance that I'd talk to him there!" Alexander suggested.
John shrugged but got up. "You know what, I'm definitely coming there and I'm gonna make you and Gil make up the fight. NOT make out!" He reminded.
Alexander smirked. "Can't promise anything. Maybe my inner gay will wake up."
"Alex, you have a girlfriend-" John raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, but I'm also into guys~" Alexander hummed.
John sighed and slowly hugged Alexander. "I hate you so much.."
Alexander hugged him back, confused. "Why are you hugging me..?" He gently rubbed John's back.
John looked at him in the eyes, with his own eyes becoming glossy. "Because you're still my friend. Even after what you did. And said."
Alexander looked down. He pulled away from the hug. "I'm really sorry, please believe me.."
John rubbed his neck before sighing. "I believe you. But please don't do anything like that anymore."
Alexander nodded. "I promise." He smiled.
John tilted his head and smiled back.
Alexander took a step forward and pulled John close. His arm wrapped around John and his mouth came closer to John's.
John's eyes widened with shock. "A-Alex.."
Alexander blinked and frowned. "John please..I love you.."
John tried to push him away. "But you have a g-girlfriend and I have a boyfriend.."
Alexander bit his lip. "But I loved you first. Come on, no one will know about this. Besides, it'll be only a one kiss."
John shook his head, trying to wiggle free from Alex's grip. "You just said last night that you hate us..don't try to manipulate me into anything like this."
Alexander kept his arms around John tightly. "It won't hurt, I promise."
John growled and slapped Alexander. "You backstabbing bitch, do you think I'd honestly be best friends or boyfriends with you after what you did to Gil?!"
Alexander growled and grabbed the collar of John's shirt. "You filthy mistake, I never asked for anything like that." An evil smirk grew on his face. "I just came to invite you to the party. And I will make up the fight with Lafayette. But I need a favor."
John kicked Alex's ankle. "I will never give you any favors!" His face was bright red from all the yelling and fighting.
"But Johnny, what I want is very simple." Alexander stroked John's cheek with his hand. "You give me something I want and I'll promise to fix mine and Lafayette's friendship."
John's eyes became more wet as he shook his head. "No no no! You two can keep hating each other if you want, but I will NOT be a part of your sketchy plans."
Alexander pushed John on the floor. "Fine. I hope you'll have fun at Lee's party tonight."
He opened John's bedroom's door and slammed it shut behind him.
John held his breath until he was sure Alexander had left his home.
He let out a shaky sigh and started quietly crying. "Jesus..I never thought Alex would do something l-like that.." He sat up and wiped his tears. "I'll still go to that party, Gil will be there anyways."

At the party

Lafayette was holding John's hand. "It'll be ok, Alexander was just being a dick."
"I hope was just high or drunk..He's not usually like that.." John whispered, looking down.
"Yeah, same. But did you say he wanted make up the fight?"
John nodded. "I don't know if he will though."
They walked into Lee's house. They saw a bunch of drunk kids messing around. There were empty plastic cups on the floor and Lil Peep, Post Malon etc were playing loudly from big stereos in the living room.
John furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at Lafayette. "Are you sure this is a good idea-"
"Joooooohn! I'm glaaaad you came!" Lee's drunk voice said from behind them.
John turned around to see Lee standing behind them with two cups of beer. "Uhm, sorry but I don't drink alcohol.." John said, rubbing his neck.
"Ye ye, that's what they all sayyy." Lee said, giving Laf and John the cups. "Enjoyyy." He wobbled away, laughing drunkenly.
John put the cup on a table. "I can't be here! If we stay for longer, I will smell like cigarettes and alcohol!"
"But John, you smoke.." Laf said nervously, tasting the beer and gagging. "Ugh, this is terrible.."
"Yeah, but I usually have something to cover the smell with. And I go home when everyone else is asleep."
"So? Let's stay for awhile and then leave, stay at the park for an example and then go home when it's late." Laf said, noticing Alexander walking around. "You know what..let's just leave now." He put the cup away and pulled Joh by his arm to go outside, but Alexander got them first.
"Laaaaf, Jooohn, nice to see you!" He laughed. "Lee told me you'd come."
John bit his lip. "Alex, do you remember what you did to me earlier today?" He asked, his voice shaking slightly.
Alexander tilted his head as he tried to understand what Johna had just said. "Oooooh yeeeeah. Thaaat. Well, I'm sorry. Is that enough?" He smiled.
Before John could have said anything, Laf came between him and Alexander. "You almost forced him to something he didn't want to do! You think he's just going to forgive you?! Petite salope, comment peux-tu faire ça à John?!" (You little bitch, how can you even do that to John?!)
Alexander backed away a bit, but kept his ground. "Who are you to call me a bitch?? YOU came and TOOK John AWAY from me!"
John groaned and hit Alexander in the face. "Shut up! No one 'took' me from anyone! You're just being selfish and stupid!" He yelled and ran out of the front door, forgetting his jacket at Lee's. But he didn't care. He wanted home.
Laf sighed deeply and gave Alexander a sad look, before running after John.
John stopped at the end of the neighborhood to calm his breathing. Laf stopped besides him.
"John..what was that..breakdown?"
John couldn't speak for awhile but when he did, he looked up at Laf with wet eyes. "I just couldn't bear the thought of being weak again.." He whispered.
Laf frowned and pulled him into a hug. " down, bebé. No one is blaming you for being weak." He said in a gentle voice.
John snuffled and grabbed onto Laf's shirt. "I wanna go home."
Laf nodded and they held hands as they walked back to John's house. Everyone else seemed to be asleep already. They decided to go into the basement because John's family had a PS4 down there, a couch and a fridge.
Laf gently set John down on the couch.
John smiled up at him.
Laf sat down besides him, starting to kiss his cheek
Cw: smut (not so explicit)

John smiled and leaned into Laf's touch. It felt loving and warm.
Laf wrapped his arms around his waist, moving down to kiss John's neck.
John felt his cheeks burn bright red and bit his lip to keep a quiet moan in. He felt Laf's hand travel around his waist area and thighs. That made him blush even more.
It was obvious that John was turned on by that. Laf made sure to lightly touch over John's crouch. John frowned and moved closer, hoping to get touched more. Laf smirked and lifted him up to sit on his lap.
John awkwardly looked down. "Laf.."
Laf smiled and pecked John's lips. "I know." He whispered and pulled John's pants and boxers down.
"Damn John, you really wanna do this." He chuckled.
John shook his head. "N-not like that..just..touch me. It'll be enough."
Laf nodded and gently stroked John's member, making John moan.
John immediately covered his mouth with his hand to keep quiet. Lafayette on the other hand, wanted John to be louder. He started stroking faster with a smirk.
John panted, burying his face in Laf's shoulder.
After awhile, they were done with their 'fun'. John curled up on the couch, while Lafayette tried to clean himself up.
"Damn it John, this was the only shirt I had with me." He huffed, crossing his arms.
John sat up and raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me? You were the one teasing me." Lafayette was about to say something before nodding. "Fair enough.." He mumbled, sitting down on the couch with John.
They just cuddled before falling asleep.

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