Chapter 4

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Lafayette's POV

Laf was still up even though it was 2am. He was trying to find out who was spreading rumors about him and John.
His mom walked in on him. "Chérie, va dormir" (Darling, please go to sleep) She said, leaning on the doorway.
"Oui oui, je le ferai bientôt" (Yes yes, I'll do that soon) Laf answered and yawned. "Ou peut-être maintenant" (Or maybe now)
"Merci beaucoup" (Thank you so much) His mom smiled softly and closed the door.
Laf put his phone away and laid on his bed, thinking about John.
He didn't remember the last time he had seen John actually laughing because he was happy. Dark, but true. John had been so sad and Laf hated seeing him like that.
He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Fortunately he fell asleep pretty fast.

Next day in school, there were posters about the school's Halloween party. Laf and Herc were really exited about it. They had been designing costumes for couple weeks now.
Herc smiled. "Are you and John gonna go there together~" Laf smiled back, sarcastically. "Yeah, and after that we're gonna go trick or treating. Herc, please. We need to keep a low profile and be just friends." Laf said and sighed. "So, what are you gonna go as?"
Herc shrugged. "I dunno. I have so many ideas but I just can't decide!" Laf chuckled. "I'm gonna be a vampire. If you want, you can be one too." Herc nodded quickly, smiling. "Yes yes, that's perfect! And I have just the outside for a vampire."
They both went in their classes and went on with their day and Alex and John did the same thing.
They all met after school to just hang out. John was being quieter than usually. Laf got worried and took him into a hug. "You alright?" "Yeah, don't worry." John said in his chest. "I'm just not in the mood for talking right now."
"Did something happen yesterday?" Laf asked. John pulled away from the hug and crossed his arms. "No, I'm just tired. Or something."
"Was it your dad?" John shook his head. "No, it's just that..I really wanna come out, but my family just doesn't seem like that's what they want from me right now. My dad especially thinks I'm a problem."
Laf sighed. "John, I think you're lucky and you should be happy. You have a family. My biological parents are dead." He looked at the picture of a women and a man on his phone case. "I'd do anything to get them back."
Alexander looked at Laf and gave him a sympathetic smile. "He's right, John. I know how he feels."
John nodded. "But it doesn't change anything. I still just want my family to think about me as a person and not a problem."
Hercules raised an eyebrow. "Well, you wanna go do something to those feelings? Let's go find a fight!"
John gave him a glare. "That's the OPPOSITE of what I want!"
Laf rolled his eyes. "Herc, he's just nerves. If he doesn't want to start a fight, he doesn't need to start a fight because someone is trying to pressure him into it."
"Sounds like sex." Alexander said. John hit his arm. "Shut up. What kind of sex have you had to think that?" Alexander chuckled and smirked. "Good sex."
Laf wanted to die right now. "Alex, shut up. No one wants to hear about that." Alexander blinked. "Is it because you're a virgin or-" Laf let out a groan. "No, I just don't care about it. It's not necessary to think about at this age."
Alexander shrugged and lit a cigarette he stole from John. "Everyone's allowed to have an opinion." Laf nodded, putting his arm around John. "Yes, I know. I just told mine."
Alexander mumbled something and smoked the cigarette.
Hercules was texting to his girlfriend, Elizabeth Sanders.
John was having a small depressive moment, so Laf decided to be the loving boyfriend he is and just gave him sweet kisses. "Are you ok, Johnny?" He asked, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. John nodded, smiling a little. "Yeah, Gil. But I should probably go home. My dad wants me to clean my room."
"Nooo, don't go yeeet.." Laf frowned and attacked John's neck with kisses. John let out a quiet moan. "But I need to.." He said.
"No you don't." Laf sucked on his neck, softly."
John's eyes widened. "Gil, you're gonna make a hickey there-" "I know, and I don't care." Laf kept sucking. John bit his lip. "But my parents.." Laf looked John in the eyes. "Cover it up."
Alexander glanced at them. "John, it's not so bad. It'll go away in few days."
John pushed Laf further away from him. "But they'll think I..had sex.." He said quietly.
Laf rubbed John's back. "I'm sorry." John looked down, slightly shrugging.
He stood up and packed his cigarette package in his backpack. "I need to go." He started walking away.
Lafayette stood up and followed him. "I wanna walk you home."
John shook his head. "No thanks. I can do it by myself." He didn't look at Lafayette, just contuned walking forward.
Laf stopped, respecting what Joh wanted and leaving him be. He went back to Herc and Alex.
Hercules put his arm on Laf's shoulders. "It's alright. John is just tired, ok? It's not because of you."
Alexander sighed and fixed his glasses. He didn't look at them. "John is always tired and sad. He's never ok. I don't understand why we try to be with him, when all we get in return is misery. He never wants to go out and seems like the world would circle around him."
Laf raised his eyebrows in shock. "But you're his best friend-"
"I WAS his best friend before YOU came and ruined it! All he cared about was 'Oh I hope Gil is fine' and 'Sorry, I can't go out today, I will be Gilbert' like, give me a break." Alexander growled. "He even LIKED me but couldn't be with me because he was afraid of Lee. But surprise surprise, he can be with you!"
Laf backed up and Hercules came between them. "Ok, let's just all calm down because people make unreasonable decisions when they're angry."
Alexander stood up, with his hand in a fist. "I'm not angry! Do I look like I am?" He yelled at Herc's face, with tears forming in his eyes.
Herc nodded. "Yes, yes you do."
Alexander took a breath and basically had a breakdown. "Can't you blind idiots see the difference between angry and sad?! I'm not angry, I'm just as sad as John is! But because you two don't care about me, you can't see it! I've been through so much worse than John has, but do I get pity? NO! Of course not! I just get shit thrown at me for being 'angry' when in reality, I'm suffering?" He cried.
Laf gently put his hand on Alex's shoulder, looking at him with empathy in his eyes. "I know Alex..I'm really sorry about it..We didn't mean to hurt you like that. Ever."
Alexander looked at him, chuckling with anger. "You can say sorry without meaning it, you know?"
"What are you talking about..?"
Alexander pushed Laf on the ground, on his back. He crawled on top of him. "What I'm saying is that you don't mean it when you say sorry! You can say sorry just for the show and think it'll have no consequences, when in reality WORDS HURT. They hurt so god damn much, you don't even know!"
Herc grabbed him by his shirt and pulled up, putting his arm around Alex. "You stop that right now."
Alexander tried to wiggle away. "I HATE YOU ALL!"
Laf got up, glaring at him. "Good to know. Because that feeling is mutual." He turned around and started walking away. "If you try to follow me, I will break your neck!" He yelled.
Alexander freed himself from Hercules and spit after Laf. "I wasn't gonna follow you! There's no point in doing so because what you're gonna do is to go home and be alone because you have no other friends than us!" He yelled, his voice slightly cracking. "Hope you have fun with your life now, bitch!"
Laf didn't listen, just walked away with his hands in his pockets. A small rain started which made his coat wet.
He sighed at how cliché it was. He checked his phone on the way home. No messages or calls from anyone. Maybe Alexander was right. Maybe he didn't have anyone else than John, Herc and Alex.
He arrived at his home and heard his mom and dad talk about money things again.
He didn't want to hear about it. He went in his room and scrolled through Instagram.
He thought more about Alexander. *He probably just had an emotional breakdown..but why?*
He put his phone away and started to sleep.

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