The Hand that Rocks the Pine: Part Four

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Over the next couple of weeks, Mabel and Gideon hung out more and more - nearly every day at this point. One of the perks to their friendship (good or not) was that the Southeasts, plus Gideon and Ford, were given as many tickets to the Tent of Telepathy as they wanted.

Which, needless to say, was none of Pacifica's parents. Despite their now-overflowing mailbox, stuffed to the brim with invitations to the Mystery Twins' shows. 

They only really let Ford take Gideon and Pacifica to the shows because: 

1. Ford still needed something from the manager for his project, and 

2. Mabel wanted Gideon at almost every show.

And whenever a volunteer was needed for during the shows, Mabel's brother (at least sixty percent of the time) chose Pacifica to help him.

Pacifica didn't mind; she loved being on the stage, helping out the Mystery Twins with their tricks that were presumably fake.

It wasn't until exactly two weeks from when Mabel and Gideon first met did the inevitable happen between them.

The town clock struck three in the afternoon on a Wednesday, mere hours from another Tent of Telepathy show. A gentle breeze swept through Gravity Falls as two people sat on the roof of an old, abandoned factory. 

Mabel and Gideon were the ones on that roof. They sat together, chatting like best friends and as if they had known each other their whole lives.

After a moment of silence, Mabel turned to Gideon. "We've been friends for a couple weeks now," she began. "Right?"

Gideon nodded uneasily. He had a feeling he knew what was coming next -

"I just want you to know that whenever we talk, I'm speaking from the heart." Mabel put her hand on his. 

Gideon slowly slipped his hand free from under Mabel's. "From the, uh, the where now?"

Mabel ignored his question and continued with her speech. "Gideon, would you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?" 

Gideon stared at her.

A date.

What kind of date, though . . .?

"A playdate?" he tried. Mabel shook her head.

"Shopping date?" Another no, another shake of the head. 

"I mean a real date," Mabel said, taking Gideon's hands. "One at a proper restaurant, with fancy food and all the works."

Oh boy.

"Just one?" Gideon asked.

"Just one," Mabel promised. "Until we see how things go."

She was serious. She actually wanted to go on a date with him.

"Okay," Gideon said tentatively. "I'll go."

Mabel threw her arms around him, overjoyed. "Oh, thank you!" she cried. "You've made me so happy, Gideon!"

After a second, Gideon frowned. 

"Are you playing with my hair?"

Before Mabel arrived at the Mystery Shack the next evening, Pacifica and Gideon were deeply involved in a video game.

"Can't believe you're finally going on a date," Pacifica snorted, shooting a monster in the game. "You're going to be in hot water when Ford hears about this."

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