I (Rewritten)

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        "And that's when she started crying! Can you believe her? Like it's not my fault you chose to wear Crocs to school," Beomgyu sneered, "She asked for my opinion and I wasn't going to lie to the poor thing," Beomgyu paused and groaned when he heard no response, "Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm sorry what?" Yeonjun shrugged as he poked at the food on his plate with a plastic fork, "I like to zone you out from time to time."

"Whatever," Beomgyu pouted his lip, "Just remember you said that next time you come crying to me about being dumped."

"Don't talk about that," Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"Aww I'm sorry is Mr. Player still upset about being dumped by Chan," Beomgyu covered his face and pretended to cry before revealing half his face and curling his lips into a smirk, "His hair looks like those curly fries that had to be scraped from the bottom of a fryer. I don't see what the big deal is or why you liked him so much."

"Shut up," Yeonjun sighed, "I'm over him."

"Don't give me that crap," Beomgyu dropped his smile and started to pick at the white polish on his nails.

"What are you talking about?" Yeonjun glared at his so-called friend from across the lunch table.

"Considering the fact that lunch hour is almost over and not a single word has come out of your big mouth," Beomgyu cocked an eyebrow and looked up at him, "obviously something is wrong."

"It's his first time getting dumped," Kai interjected, "He's going to take some time to get over it."

"I'm sorry who invited you into the conversation?"Beomgyu gave the boy sitting next to him a nasty look, "Besides it's been three whole days! That's plenty enough time to get over someone."

"Sorry, not all of us are emotionless," Kai rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Just because you sit with us now doesn't mean you get the right to talk down to me!" the blonde boy exclaimed.

"Right," Kai shook his head, "I'm sorry your majesty, I forgot how fragile your ego is."

"I swear I will-"

Yeonjun slammed a hand on the table, "Would you two cut it out already?"

"I just don't see what the big deal is," Beomgyu almost immediately turned his attention back to his silver haired friend, "You've been in countless of relationships before."

Yeonjun slid his plate to the empty seat next to him so he could rest his head on the table, "Yeah I know but I'm always the one breaking it off."

"Right," Beomgyu sang, "You're always breaking hearts and never actually had yours broken before."

Yeonjun growled, "Don't make me out to be the bad guy."

"It's true though," Beomgyu snickered, "Call it whatever you want but you definitely aren't a good guy."

Kai shook his head at Beomgyu's rude ways, "Yeonjun, don't you feel any sort of sadness when you end relationships?"

"Not really," the older admitted as he sat back up. 

"I bet he felt great about himself!" Beomgyu's eyes flickered with amusement, "Being able to play so easily with people's emotions like that just because you're hot, it probably makes you feel powerful!"

"That's not true," Kai frowned at the blonde boy before looking back over at Yeonjun, "Right?"

Yeonjun bit his lip and slightly smiled, "Well, I can't exactly deny it."

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now