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Soobin felt a sense of relief when he heard a knock on the door. Yet for some reason, with every step he took, the feeling of dread became more and more relevant. Soobin stopped in front of the door to calm himself down, "It's going to be okay," he whispered to himself. A second knock on the door startled Soobin out of his thoughts, "I-I'm here!" he called out as he opened the door.

"Oh, hey there," Yeonjun gently smiled, "I was worried there for a second."

"Sorry," Soobin closed the door behind the silver haired boy, "Follow me."

"It's pretty cozy in here," Yeonjun looked around the small living room, ignoring Soobin's instructions.

Soobin turned around and laughed softly, "Yeah, it's whole lot different than what youre probably used to. I bet you live in some sort of mansion."

Yeonjun tilted his head, "No, my family lives in a pretty average house."

"But you're rich," Soobin slowed down his words, putting emphasis on the word 'rich.'

Yeonjun cocked an eyebrow and shook his head, "I'm not anything close to rich."

Yeonjun dressed in Doc Marten boots, a Versace sweatshirt, and probably some fancy name brand jeans as well. Soobin gave him a look that said 'you're full of it'.

"What?" Yeonjun looked down at his outfit, "Oh, no, I don't buy these. This is all stuff Beomgyu's parents get for him that he doesn't like. Instead of throwing them away he gives it to me."

"Oh, so he's the one with all the money," Soobin blinked a few times, "If that's the case why are you the face of the mean three? The smart and dumb ones are the sidekicks while the rich one is always Queen Bee."

Yeonjun furrowed his brows, "What do you mean by the mean three?"

"Oh come on. Don't play dumb," Soobin rolled his eyes, "Have you ever watched Mean Girls? Or, umm, you like horror, so you have to had watched Scream Queens."

Yeonjun shook his head.

"Get out of my house."

Yeonjun frowned, "I still don't get what that means?"

Soobin sighed, "It means you and your two other friends are major stuck up, egotistic, jerks, yet everyone still worships you guys."

"Hey," Yeonjun looked offended, "I'm not a bad person."

"And I can pass this exam without you," Soobin narrowed his eyes.

"But I-"

"Come on," Soobin grabbed Yeonjun's hand and started to lead him to his room, "We already wasted enough time."

"What all do you have done?" Yeonjun asked as they entered the younger's room.

"You know," Soobin rubbed the back of his neck, "Does it really matter how much is done? Isn't it better to have only a few done and right than all of it done wrong," Soobin nervously laughed, "Quality over quantity, right?"

Yeonjun looked around the room until he found a small pile of papers next to an open laptop playing some video and his phone. Yeonjun picked up what he assumed to be Soobin's study guide and flipped through the pages, "Really?" There were five completed answers and a very poorly drawn picture of a rabbit.

"If I could have done it by myself I wouldn't have called you in the first place," Soobin defended himself.

"You can do it by yourself," Yeonjun tried to reassure him, "but first you need to stop letting yourself get distracted. That means no electronics." Yeonjun closed the laptop and picked up his phone.

Sugar, Please - Yeonjun x SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now